This study analyses the façades of a white concrete building located in Cádiz (Spain). Numerous sections of the concrete cladding on the façades have become detached and there are clear signs of reinforcement corrosion. For the purposes of this study, the arrangement of the reinforcement was evaluated by georadar (GPR). Cylindrical concrete cores measuring 10 cm in diameter by 15–18 cm in depth were extracted and their carbonation front was evaluated. Samples were characterized by physical properties determination; chemical and mineralogical analysis and the chloride penetration profiles.
According to the results obtained, the concrete used can be considered permeable and porous (16.5–19.7%). Only two sampling points fulfilled the minimum reinforcement coating requirements for this type of environmental exposure, in accordance with current Spanish legislation. The carbonation fronts have reached the reinforcements, causing their depassivation. Depending on the orientation of the façade, the penetration of chlorides from marine spray was observed with a maximum value of 0.250% by weight of cement, without reaching the limit states of durability.
Citation: V. Flores-Alés, F.J. Alejandre, F.J. Blasco-López, M. Torres-González, J.M. Alducin-Ochoa. Analysis of alterations presented in a white-concrete façade exposed to a marine environment——A case study in Cádiz (Spain)[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2022, 9(2): 255-269. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2022015
This study analyses the façades of a white concrete building located in Cádiz (Spain). Numerous sections of the concrete cladding on the façades have become detached and there are clear signs of reinforcement corrosion. For the purposes of this study, the arrangement of the reinforcement was evaluated by georadar (GPR). Cylindrical concrete cores measuring 10 cm in diameter by 15–18 cm in depth were extracted and their carbonation front was evaluated. Samples were characterized by physical properties determination; chemical and mineralogical analysis and the chloride penetration profiles.
According to the results obtained, the concrete used can be considered permeable and porous (16.5–19.7%). Only two sampling points fulfilled the minimum reinforcement coating requirements for this type of environmental exposure, in accordance with current Spanish legislation. The carbonation fronts have reached the reinforcements, causing their depassivation. Depending on the orientation of the façade, the penetration of chlorides from marine spray was observed with a maximum value of 0.250% by weight of cement, without reaching the limit states of durability.
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