This paper analyzes the emergence of micro-cultural material worlds in marginal rural areas of Spain from the viewpoint of postmodern rural cultural geography. The methodology is qualitative and geo-ethnographic, based on the study of three cases that suggest a renewed relevance of place as cultural capital in the production and consumption pattern of new or renovated rural materialities. The main conclusions suggest that two sides characterized the renovated houses: externally linked with traditional spirit and style of the area and internal with an individual and cosmopolitan design These represent a new dialectic similarity/difference.
Citation: Angel Paniagua. A post geographical vision of emergent micro cultural rural material world[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2024, 10(2): 263-273. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2024015
This paper analyzes the emergence of micro-cultural material worlds in marginal rural areas of Spain from the viewpoint of postmodern rural cultural geography. The methodology is qualitative and geo-ethnographic, based on the study of three cases that suggest a renewed relevance of place as cultural capital in the production and consumption pattern of new or renovated rural materialities. The main conclusions suggest that two sides characterized the renovated houses: externally linked with traditional spirit and style of the area and internal with an individual and cosmopolitan design These represent a new dialectic similarity/difference.
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