Research article

A parameterized level set method for structural topology optimization based on reaction diffusion equation and fuzzy PID control algorithm

  • Received: 17 November 2021 Revised: 22 April 2022 Accepted: 05 May 2022 Published: 12 May 2022
  • We propose a parameterized level set method (PLSM) for structural topology optimization based on reaction diffusion equation (RDE) and fuzzy PID control algorithm. By using the proposed method, the structural compliance minimization problem under volume constraints is studied. In this work, the RDE is used as the evolution equation of level set function, and the topological derivative of the material domain is used as the reaction term of the RDE to drive the evolution of level set function, which has little dependence on the initial design domain, and can generate holes in the material domain; the compactly supported radial basis function (CS-RBF) is used to interpolate the level set function and modify the RDE, which can improve the computational efficiency, and keep the boundary smooth in the optimization process. Meanwhile, the fuzzy PID control algorithm is used to deal with the volume constraints, so that the convergence process of the structure volume is relatively stable. Furthermore, the proposed method is applied to 3D structural topology optimization. Several typical numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

    Citation: Mingtao Cui, Min Pan, Jie Wang, Pengjie Li. A parameterized level set method for structural topology optimization based on reaction diffusion equation and fuzzy PID control algorithm[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2022, 30(7): 2568-2599. doi: 10.3934/era.2022132

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  • We propose a parameterized level set method (PLSM) for structural topology optimization based on reaction diffusion equation (RDE) and fuzzy PID control algorithm. By using the proposed method, the structural compliance minimization problem under volume constraints is studied. In this work, the RDE is used as the evolution equation of level set function, and the topological derivative of the material domain is used as the reaction term of the RDE to drive the evolution of level set function, which has little dependence on the initial design domain, and can generate holes in the material domain; the compactly supported radial basis function (CS-RBF) is used to interpolate the level set function and modify the RDE, which can improve the computational efficiency, and keep the boundary smooth in the optimization process. Meanwhile, the fuzzy PID control algorithm is used to deal with the volume constraints, so that the convergence process of the structure volume is relatively stable. Furthermore, the proposed method is applied to 3D structural topology optimization. Several typical numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.


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