The construction of protected housing in Spain during the period analysed (1939–1989) reached its maximum between 1950–1980 with the construction of almost three million homes per year. The analysis of the homes built for railroad workers from this housing stock is distinct for four main reasons: it is a housing stock with a representative number of homes in relation to the total of social housing built in Spain, which is still mostly in use and covers all the typologies used in the country and which is dispersed throughout it. Thus, for the present analysis, there is a sample that is adequately representative of the whole stock of social housing constructed in Spain, this sample enables a comparative global analysis that can be extrapolated to the remaining stock. The objective of this study is to analyse the energy efficiency of homes through the thermal analysis of the envelope, as well as to acknowledge the specific constructive limitations of these homes and if possible, their rehabilitation that guarantees compliance with the required standards regarding sustainability and energy efficiency set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in the 2030 Agenda. This is a crucial goal to achieve, as the Spanish building stock currently consumes 30% of the total energy consumed, in addition to the socioeconomic profile and the potential for energy poverty, there is a portion of social housing with a precarious construction lacking the heating facilities, which is required due to the weather, with a significant potential for savings and the incorporation of renewable energies.
Citation: Aurora Martínez-Corral, Javier Cárcel-Carrasco, Jangveer Kaur, Fabiola Colmenero Fonseca. Analysis of thermal insulation in social housing in Spain (1939–1989) and its possible adaptation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)[J]. AIMS Energy, 2022, 10(6): 1190-1215. doi: 10.3934/energy.2022056
The construction of protected housing in Spain during the period analysed (1939–1989) reached its maximum between 1950–1980 with the construction of almost three million homes per year. The analysis of the homes built for railroad workers from this housing stock is distinct for four main reasons: it is a housing stock with a representative number of homes in relation to the total of social housing built in Spain, which is still mostly in use and covers all the typologies used in the country and which is dispersed throughout it. Thus, for the present analysis, there is a sample that is adequately representative of the whole stock of social housing constructed in Spain, this sample enables a comparative global analysis that can be extrapolated to the remaining stock. The objective of this study is to analyse the energy efficiency of homes through the thermal analysis of the envelope, as well as to acknowledge the specific constructive limitations of these homes and if possible, their rehabilitation that guarantees compliance with the required standards regarding sustainability and energy efficiency set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in the 2030 Agenda. This is a crucial goal to achieve, as the Spanish building stock currently consumes 30% of the total energy consumed, in addition to the socioeconomic profile and the potential for energy poverty, there is a portion of social housing with a precarious construction lacking the heating facilities, which is required due to the weather, with a significant potential for savings and the incorporation of renewable energies.
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