In this paper, the output feedback tracking issue of induction motors is resolved by applying the sliding mode approach. We designed and implemented two robust sliding mode (SM) techniques to achieve high-performance control of induction motor drive; the second-order sliding mode (SOSM) approach using the twisting algorithm was compared with the classical sliding mode control. The method of decoupling electromagnetic torque and rotor flux for the induction motor was derived from the rotor field orientation control in the synchronous reference frame. The objective of the proposed methods is to control the rotor speed and the square of the rotor flux separately, in order to obtain robust control against disturbances and parametric uncertainties, and at the same time minimize the chattering phenomenon—the most significant drawback in the actual implementation of this technique. The stability of the proposed first-order sliding mode control was confirmed using Lyapunov stability theory. The availability and effectiveness of the proposed techniques were demonstrated through experimental results. The comparison between the results of the two proposed methods shows that the second-order sliding mode control using the twisting algorithm not only guarantees the same robustness and dynamic performances of traditional first-order sliding mode control but also achieves the reduction of the chattering phenomenon.
Citation: Hadda Benderradji, Samira Benaicha, Larbi Chrifi Alaoui. Improved sliding mode control for induction motor based on twisting algorithm[J]. AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2025, 9(1): 81-98. doi: 10.3934/electreng.2025005
In this paper, the output feedback tracking issue of induction motors is resolved by applying the sliding mode approach. We designed and implemented two robust sliding mode (SM) techniques to achieve high-performance control of induction motor drive; the second-order sliding mode (SOSM) approach using the twisting algorithm was compared with the classical sliding mode control. The method of decoupling electromagnetic torque and rotor flux for the induction motor was derived from the rotor field orientation control in the synchronous reference frame. The objective of the proposed methods is to control the rotor speed and the square of the rotor flux separately, in order to obtain robust control against disturbances and parametric uncertainties, and at the same time minimize the chattering phenomenon—the most significant drawback in the actual implementation of this technique. The stability of the proposed first-order sliding mode control was confirmed using Lyapunov stability theory. The availability and effectiveness of the proposed techniques were demonstrated through experimental results. The comparison between the results of the two proposed methods shows that the second-order sliding mode control using the twisting algorithm not only guarantees the same robustness and dynamic performances of traditional first-order sliding mode control but also achieves the reduction of the chattering phenomenon.
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