Research article

Nontrivial $ p $-convex solutions to singular $ p $-Monge-Ampère problems: Existence, Multiplicity and Nonexistence

  • Received: 05 September 2023 Revised: 18 December 2023 Accepted: 09 January 2024 Published: 17 January 2024
  • 35J96, 35J57

  • Our main objective of this paper is to study the singular $ p $-Monge-Ampère problems: equations and systems of equations. New multiplicity results of nontrivial $ p $-convex radial solutions to a single equation involving $ p $-Monge-Ampère operator are first analyzed. Then, some new criteria of existence, nonexistence and multiplicity for nontrivial $ p $-convex radial solutions for a singular system of $ p $-Monge-Ampère equation are also established.

    Citation: Meiqiang Feng. Nontrivial $ p $-convex solutions to singular $ p $-Monge-Ampère problems: Existence, Multiplicity and Nonexistence[J]. Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 2024, 16(1): 71-93. doi: 10.3934/cam.2024004

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  • Our main objective of this paper is to study the singular $ p $-Monge-Ampère problems: equations and systems of equations. New multiplicity results of nontrivial $ p $-convex radial solutions to a single equation involving $ p $-Monge-Ampère operator are first analyzed. Then, some new criteria of existence, nonexistence and multiplicity for nontrivial $ p $-convex radial solutions for a singular system of $ p $-Monge-Ampère equation are also established.


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