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Performance analysis of insertion loss incorporated hybrid precoding for massive MIMO

  • Received: 06 January 2024 Revised: 10 March 2024 Accepted: 04 April 2024 Published: 11 April 2024
  • Due to an increase in the number of users and a high demand for high data rates, researchers have resorted to boosting the capacity and spectral efficiency of the next-generation wireless communication. With a limited RF chain, hybrid analog digital precoding is an appealing alternative. The hybrid precoding approach divides the beamforming process into an analog beamforming network and a digital beamforming network of a reduced size. As a result, numerous hybrid beamforming networks have been proposed. The practical effects of signal processing in the RF domain, such as the additional power loss incurred by an analog beamforming network, were not taken into account. The effectiveness of hybrid precoding structures for massive MIMO systems was examined in this study. In particular, a viable hardware network realization with insertion loss was developed. Investigating the spectral and energy efficiency of two popular hybrid precoding structures, the fully connected structure, and the subconnected structure, it was found that in a massive MIMO, the subconnected structure always performed better than the fully connected structure. Characterizing the effect of quantized analog precoding, it was shown that the subconnected structure was able to achieve better performance with fewer feedback bits than the fully connected structure.

    Citation: Tadele A. Abose, Thomas O. Olwal, Muna M. Mohammed, Murad R. Hassen. Performance analysis of insertion loss incorporated hybrid precoding for massive MIMO[J]. AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2024, 8(2): 187-210. doi: 10.3934/electreng.2024008

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  • Due to an increase in the number of users and a high demand for high data rates, researchers have resorted to boosting the capacity and spectral efficiency of the next-generation wireless communication. With a limited RF chain, hybrid analog digital precoding is an appealing alternative. The hybrid precoding approach divides the beamforming process into an analog beamforming network and a digital beamforming network of a reduced size. As a result, numerous hybrid beamforming networks have been proposed. The practical effects of signal processing in the RF domain, such as the additional power loss incurred by an analog beamforming network, were not taken into account. The effectiveness of hybrid precoding structures for massive MIMO systems was examined in this study. In particular, a viable hardware network realization with insertion loss was developed. Investigating the spectral and energy efficiency of two popular hybrid precoding structures, the fully connected structure, and the subconnected structure, it was found that in a massive MIMO, the subconnected structure always performed better than the fully connected structure. Characterizing the effect of quantized analog precoding, it was shown that the subconnected structure was able to achieve better performance with fewer feedback bits than the fully connected structure.


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