Research article Special Issues

Histologic and histomorphometric evaluation of minicono abutment on implant surrounding tissue healing and bone resorption on implants placed in healed bone. An experimental study in dogs

  • Received: 03 June 2023 Revised: 28 July 2023 Accepted: 28 July 2023 Published: 14 August 2023
  • The objective of this evaluation was to measure the width and length of connective tissue (CT) and crestal bone resorption (CBR) related to minicono® abutment inserted in conical connection dental implants, which were placed crestal and subcrestally in a dog's mandible.

    Materials and Methods 

    Forty-eight Top DM implants with the same coronal diameter were placed at the crestal level, 1 mm (test 1 group) and 2 mm (test 2 group) positions underneath buccal-lingual bone crests. Dental implants used in the study were separated into three groups of 16 implants each. The implants were randomly inserted into healed bone after two months post-extraction sockets of three lower premolars, and first molar, bilaterally in six male fox hound dogs. One 3 mm minicono height abutment was connected to conical connection implants placed at the crestal level (control), 1 mm (test 1) and 2 mm (test 2) positions under buccal-lingual crests.


    All abutments and implants used were clinically and histologically integrated into the bone-soft tissue. Soft tissue behavior was observed at eight and 12 weeks in all test groups, displaying similar quantitative findings with significant differences (p > 0.05). However, crestal bone loss was significantly greater at the buccal side around that control group compared to the test 1 and 2 groups. The difference values between groups at the implant shoulder to the top of the lingual bone crest (IS-LBC) and the implant shoulder to the top of the buccal bone crest (IS-BBC) were significantly greater for the test 2 group in comparison with the other two groups (p < 0.05) at eight weeks. In addition, crestal bone resorption (CBR) increased in the crestal group at twelve weeks, but it was reduced for the test 1 and test 2 groups in implants placed sub-crestally (p < 0.05).


    Crestal bone loss could be reduced using a 3 mm high abutment on implants submerged below the bone crest from 1 to 2 mm positions.

    Citation: José Luis Calvo-Guirado, Marta Belén Cabo-Pastor, Francisco Martínez-Martínez, Miguel Ángel Garcés-Villalá, Félix de Carlos-Villafranca, Nuria García-Carrillo, Manuel Fernández-Domínguez. Histologic and histomorphometric evaluation of minicono abutment on implant surrounding tissue healing and bone resorption on implants placed in healed bone. An experimental study in dogs[J]. AIMS Bioengineering, 2023, 10(3): 183-201. doi: 10.3934/bioeng.2023013

    Related Papers:

  • The objective of this evaluation was to measure the width and length of connective tissue (CT) and crestal bone resorption (CBR) related to minicono® abutment inserted in conical connection dental implants, which were placed crestal and subcrestally in a dog's mandible.

    Materials and Methods 

    Forty-eight Top DM implants with the same coronal diameter were placed at the crestal level, 1 mm (test 1 group) and 2 mm (test 2 group) positions underneath buccal-lingual bone crests. Dental implants used in the study were separated into three groups of 16 implants each. The implants were randomly inserted into healed bone after two months post-extraction sockets of three lower premolars, and first molar, bilaterally in six male fox hound dogs. One 3 mm minicono height abutment was connected to conical connection implants placed at the crestal level (control), 1 mm (test 1) and 2 mm (test 2) positions under buccal-lingual crests.


    All abutments and implants used were clinically and histologically integrated into the bone-soft tissue. Soft tissue behavior was observed at eight and 12 weeks in all test groups, displaying similar quantitative findings with significant differences (p > 0.05). However, crestal bone loss was significantly greater at the buccal side around that control group compared to the test 1 and 2 groups. The difference values between groups at the implant shoulder to the top of the lingual bone crest (IS-LBC) and the implant shoulder to the top of the buccal bone crest (IS-BBC) were significantly greater for the test 2 group in comparison with the other two groups (p < 0.05) at eight weeks. In addition, crestal bone resorption (CBR) increased in the crestal group at twelve weeks, but it was reduced for the test 1 and test 2 groups in implants placed sub-crestally (p < 0.05).


    Crestal bone loss could be reduced using a 3 mm high abutment on implants submerged below the bone crest from 1 to 2 mm positions.


    Conflict of interest

    I am an editorial board and I was not involved in the editorial review or the decision to publish this article. All authors declare that there are no competing interests.

    Author contributions

    Conceptualization, J.L.C.-G. and F.M.-M.; data curation, M.B.C-P, N.G-C; formal analysis, F.d.C.-V. and M.A.G-V.; funding acquisition, J.L.C.-G., F.M.-M., and M.F.-D.; investigation, J.L.C.-G, N.G-C.; software, F.d.C.-V. and M.A.G.-V.; methodology, F.M.-M., F.d.C.-V., M.B.C-P; project administration, J.L.C.-G.; resources, F.M.-M.; supervision, J.L.C.-G. and F.M.-M.; validation, M.F.-D and M.B.C.-P.; visualization, J.L.C.-G., N.G-C and F.M.-M; writing—original draft preparation, J.L.C.-G. and F.M.-M.; writing—review and editing, J.L.C.-G., F.d.C.-V., M.B.C.-P., F.d.C.-V, M.F.-D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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