Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is the fifth most produced cereal crop in the world. The use of sorghum is very diverse and most parts of the plant, including stem, leaves, grain, panicles, stem juice, and bagasse, can be utilized as human food, animal feed, and material for industry and bioenergy production. The collection of local sorghum genetic resources should be explored to identify potential gene sources for the development of superior varieties. This study was conducted to evaluate the production potential of 40 Indonesian sorghum accessions and to further identify potentially useful accessions. Five accessions belonging to cluster 3 had high biomass productivity, including Coley, Keler, Lao, Lokal Kaltim, and Super 1. In particular, Lokal Kaltim and Lao combined high biomass yield with grain yield. Accessions with high biomass has potential for use as feedstock for biomass energy production and forage.
Citation: Reni Lestari, Mahat Magandhi, Arief Noor Rachmadiyanto, Kartika Ning Tyas, Enggal Primananda, Iin Pertiwi Amin Husaini, Frisca Damayanti, Rizmoon Nurul Zulkarnaen, Hendra Helmanto, Reza Ramdan Rivai, Hakim Kurniawan, Masaru Kobayashi. Genetic characterization of Indonesian sorghum landraces (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) for yield traits[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2024, 9(1): 129-147. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2024008
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is the fifth most produced cereal crop in the world. The use of sorghum is very diverse and most parts of the plant, including stem, leaves, grain, panicles, stem juice, and bagasse, can be utilized as human food, animal feed, and material for industry and bioenergy production. The collection of local sorghum genetic resources should be explored to identify potential gene sources for the development of superior varieties. This study was conducted to evaluate the production potential of 40 Indonesian sorghum accessions and to further identify potentially useful accessions. Five accessions belonging to cluster 3 had high biomass productivity, including Coley, Keler, Lao, Lokal Kaltim, and Super 1. In particular, Lokal Kaltim and Lao combined high biomass yield with grain yield. Accessions with high biomass has potential for use as feedstock for biomass energy production and forage.
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