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Effect of storage conditions on seed quality of soybean (Glycine max L.) germplasm

  • Received: 12 January 2022 Revised: 08 May 2022 Accepted: 01 June 2022 Published: 10 June 2022
  • Soybean is one of the most important oil seed crops. However, soybean seed is structurally weak and inherently short-lived, making the crop vulnerable to long period storage. Thus, it is crucial to study the effect of storage conditions on the quality of soybean seeds (Glycine max L.). The genetic material consisted of 10 soybean varieties, whose seeds were stored under both cooling (refrigerator) and room temperature conditions and were subsequently subjected to germination test, electric conductivity test and estimation of free fatty acids percentage. In order to determinethe long-term effects of storage on seed quality, all genotypes were subjected to accelerated ageing at 40℃ up to 48 days and viability equation was used to determine the Ki value. Overall findings revealed the significant effect of storage conditions on seed quality and, at the same time, underlined the beneficial effect of storage under cooling conditions, which is expressed as higher germination percentage, reduced electric conductivity and free fatty acids percentage and improved storage longevity. Further, our data provide conclusive evidence for the qualitative superiority of the varieties Adonai, Celina and Neoplanta, especially upon storage under cooling conditions, as they were characterized by higher germination percentage and improved tolerance to storage (storage potential).

    Citation: Avraam Koskosidis, Ebrahim M. Khah, Ourania I. Pavli, Dimitrios N. Vlachostergios. Effect of storage conditions on seed quality of soybean (Glycine max L.) germplasm[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2022, 7(2): 387-402. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2022025

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  • Soybean is one of the most important oil seed crops. However, soybean seed is structurally weak and inherently short-lived, making the crop vulnerable to long period storage. Thus, it is crucial to study the effect of storage conditions on the quality of soybean seeds (Glycine max L.). The genetic material consisted of 10 soybean varieties, whose seeds were stored under both cooling (refrigerator) and room temperature conditions and were subsequently subjected to germination test, electric conductivity test and estimation of free fatty acids percentage. In order to determinethe long-term effects of storage on seed quality, all genotypes were subjected to accelerated ageing at 40℃ up to 48 days and viability equation was used to determine the Ki value. Overall findings revealed the significant effect of storage conditions on seed quality and, at the same time, underlined the beneficial effect of storage under cooling conditions, which is expressed as higher germination percentage, reduced electric conductivity and free fatty acids percentage and improved storage longevity. Further, our data provide conclusive evidence for the qualitative superiority of the varieties Adonai, Celina and Neoplanta, especially upon storage under cooling conditions, as they were characterized by higher germination percentage and improved tolerance to storage (storage potential).


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