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Development of local food growth logistics and economics

  • Received: 21 January 2021 Accepted: 06 May 2021 Published: 17 May 2021
  • This study investigates the logistics and economics of local food production for modeling active living. The data collected from selective groups of respondents in Khunyuam dale regarding Thailand's cost of living, demographics, food products, transport geography, and outbound logistics served as empirical evidence. A unique tiger bean was reviewed as a local asset in food products. The results showed that the capabilities of local economics and logistics were enhanced by establishing regional food production. The local living standard and household economy were logistically improved by the positive outcomes of active living. Finally, the findings suggested that each county should have its own food products to boost logistics and economics.

    Citation: Thanapong Chaichana, Charles S. Brennan, Sukhuntha Osiriphun, Prem Thongchai, Sutee Wangtueai. Development of local food growth logistics and economics[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2021, 6(2): 588-602. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2021035

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  • This study investigates the logistics and economics of local food production for modeling active living. The data collected from selective groups of respondents in Khunyuam dale regarding Thailand's cost of living, demographics, food products, transport geography, and outbound logistics served as empirical evidence. A unique tiger bean was reviewed as a local asset in food products. The results showed that the capabilities of local economics and logistics were enhanced by establishing regional food production. The local living standard and household economy were logistically improved by the positive outcomes of active living. Finally, the findings suggested that each county should have its own food products to boost logistics and economics.


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