Research article

Clustering accuracy

  • Received: 06 June 2024 Revised: 13 June 2024 Accepted: 13 June 2024 Published: 17 June 2024
  • Clustering accuracy (ACC) is one of the most often used measures in literature to evaluate clustering quality. However, the measure is often used without any definition or reference to such a definition. In this paper, we identify the origin of the measure. We give a proper definition for the measure and provide a simple bug fix which allows it to be used also in the case of a mismatch in the number of clusters. We show that the measure belongs to a wider class of set-matching based measures. We compare its properties to centroid index (CI) and normalized mutual information (NMI).

    Citation: Pasi Fränti, Sami Sieranoja. Clustering accuracy[J]. Applied Computing and Intelligence, 2024, 4(1): 24-44. doi: 10.3934/aci.2024003

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  • Clustering accuracy (ACC) is one of the most often used measures in literature to evaluate clustering quality. However, the measure is often used without any definition or reference to such a definition. In this paper, we identify the origin of the measure. We give a proper definition for the measure and provide a simple bug fix which allows it to be used also in the case of a mismatch in the number of clusters. We show that the measure belongs to a wider class of set-matching based measures. We compare its properties to centroid index (CI) and normalized mutual information (NMI).


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