Research article Special Issues

Accelerated American option pricing with deep neural networks

  • Received: 01 March 2023 Revised: 20 April 2023 Accepted: 23 April 2023 Published: 04 May 2023
  • JEL Codes: C45, C63, G13

  • Given the competitiveness of a market-making environment, the ability to speedily quote option prices consistent with an ever-changing market environment is essential. Thus, the smallest acceleration or improvement over traditional pricing methods is crucial to avoid arbitrage. We propose a method for accelerating the pricing of American options to near-instantaneous using a feed-forward neural network. This neural network is trained over the chosen (e.g., Heston) stochastic volatility specification. Such an approach facilitates parameter interpretability, as generally required by the regulators, and establishes our method in the area of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for finance. We show that the proposed deep explainable pricer induces a speed-accuracy trade-off compared to the typical Monte Carlo or Partial Differential Equation-based pricing methods. Moreover, the proposed approach allows for pricing derivatives with path-dependent and more complex payoffs and is, given the sufficient accuracy of computation and its tractable nature, applicable in a market-making environment.

    Citation: David Anderson, Urban Ulrych. Accelerated American option pricing with deep neural networks[J]. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2023, 7(2): 207-228. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2023011

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  • Given the competitiveness of a market-making environment, the ability to speedily quote option prices consistent with an ever-changing market environment is essential. Thus, the smallest acceleration or improvement over traditional pricing methods is crucial to avoid arbitrage. We propose a method for accelerating the pricing of American options to near-instantaneous using a feed-forward neural network. This neural network is trained over the chosen (e.g., Heston) stochastic volatility specification. Such an approach facilitates parameter interpretability, as generally required by the regulators, and establishes our method in the area of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for finance. We show that the proposed deep explainable pricer induces a speed-accuracy trade-off compared to the typical Monte Carlo or Partial Differential Equation-based pricing methods. Moreover, the proposed approach allows for pricing derivatives with path-dependent and more complex payoffs and is, given the sufficient accuracy of computation and its tractable nature, applicable in a market-making environment.


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