Research article

Does financial globalization uncertainty affect CO2 emissions? Empirical evidence from some selected SSA countries

  • Received: 04 January 2021 Accepted: 30 March 2021 Published: 06 April 2021
  • JEL Codes: F64, F65

  • Based on the Environmental Kuznets's Curve theory, this study seeks to investigate the asymmetric relationship between the financial globalization uncertainty and the environmental quality alongside the test of Kuznets's hypothesis. The research covers the data set of nine Sub Saharan African countries from 1980-2019. The Kuznets's hypothesis of the relationship between economic growth and the environment quality has been validated, identifying the pivotal point of the relationship's transition. The results further reveal that the positive shock of FGU is inversely related to CO2 emissions, implying that as the foreign capital flow increases, the accompanying CO2 emissions decreases. Whereas, the negative decomposed component of the financial globalization uncertainty indicates a negative and significance coefficient. While, renewable energy reduces the deterioration of the environmental quality. In the last part of the study, policy implications are recommended accordingly.

    Citation: Ibrahim Sambo Farouq, Nuraddeen Umar Sambo, Ali Umar Ahmad, Aminu Hassan Jakada, Isma'il Aliyu Danmaraya. Does financial globalization uncertainty affect CO2 emissions? Empirical evidence from some selected SSA countries[J]. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2021, 5(2): 247-263. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2021011

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  • Based on the Environmental Kuznets's Curve theory, this study seeks to investigate the asymmetric relationship between the financial globalization uncertainty and the environmental quality alongside the test of Kuznets's hypothesis. The research covers the data set of nine Sub Saharan African countries from 1980-2019. The Kuznets's hypothesis of the relationship between economic growth and the environment quality has been validated, identifying the pivotal point of the relationship's transition. The results further reveal that the positive shock of FGU is inversely related to CO2 emissions, implying that as the foreign capital flow increases, the accompanying CO2 emissions decreases. Whereas, the negative decomposed component of the financial globalization uncertainty indicates a negative and significance coefficient. While, renewable energy reduces the deterioration of the environmental quality. In the last part of the study, policy implications are recommended accordingly.


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