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Systematic review on the clinical presentation and management of the COVID-19 associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

  • Received: 22 November 2020 Accepted: 20 January 2021 Published: 25 January 2021
  • Firstly, we collated the vast repository of MIS-C cases and presented them in a simplified, condensed, and comprehensive format. Secondly, we explored the clinical presentation, and efficacy of the management options. Additionally, we briefly discussed the pathophysiology and addressed the variance in the jargon and criteria relating to this condition.


    A systematic literature review was conducted on the 17th of October 2020 in accordance with PRISMA (2015) guidelines. The search terms: ‘MIS-C’, ‘Kawasaki-like Disease’, ‘PIMS-TS’, and ‘COVID-19’ were queried on Medline and Embase databases. Publications that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included and were assessed for parameters pertaining to the clinical course and management.


    From December 2019 to October 2020, 131 publications were identified. Of these, 56 publications (n = 646 patients) fit the inclusion criteria. Median age was 10 years (range: 0.5–17 years), 52.2% (n = 337/646) were male, and 33.5% (n = 128/382) were of African ethnicity. SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcriptase PCR and serology were positive in 42% (n = 142/426), and 85.3% (n = 300/352) of cases respectively. Presenting complaint(s) were predominately gastrointestinal: 77.6% (n = 436/562) generalized abdominal pain, 76.4% (n = 386/505) vomiting, and 63.2% (n = 203/321) diarrhea. Hypotensive shock was also commonly observed at admission. Additionally, laboratory data revealed elevated neutrophils and inflammatory markers. Echocardiogram findings indicated reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and myocarditis in 22.6% (n = 85/376) and 22.3% (n = 84/376) of cases, respectively. Immunoglobulins and intravenous steroids were predominantly used in 76% (n = 433/571) and 51% (n = 317/618) of cases, respectively. Majority of the patients (97%, n = 418/431) were discharged home. A combination treatment of tocilizumab and IVIG had a mean length of stay of 7 ± 3 days and 95.5% (n = 21/22) discharge rate with low complications in comparison to either of the treatments alone.


    MIC-S syndrome is a pediatric hyperinflammatory condition that has an association with COVID-19 background exposure. MIS-C has a heterogeneous multisystem presentation that can be associated with life threatening cardiac complications. There is a need to further explore its long-term morbidity.

    Citation: Marah Shaikh Yousef, Nur Syazana Idris, Charles Yap, Abdulaziz Abdullah Alsubaie, Pramath Kakodkar. Systematic review on the clinical presentation and management of the COVID-19 associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)[J]. AIMS Allergy and Immunology, 2021, 5(1): 38-55. doi: 10.3934/Allergy.2021004

    Related Papers:

  • Firstly, we collated the vast repository of MIS-C cases and presented them in a simplified, condensed, and comprehensive format. Secondly, we explored the clinical presentation, and efficacy of the management options. Additionally, we briefly discussed the pathophysiology and addressed the variance in the jargon and criteria relating to this condition.


    A systematic literature review was conducted on the 17th of October 2020 in accordance with PRISMA (2015) guidelines. The search terms: ‘MIS-C’, ‘Kawasaki-like Disease’, ‘PIMS-TS’, and ‘COVID-19’ were queried on Medline and Embase databases. Publications that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included and were assessed for parameters pertaining to the clinical course and management.


    From December 2019 to October 2020, 131 publications were identified. Of these, 56 publications (n = 646 patients) fit the inclusion criteria. Median age was 10 years (range: 0.5–17 years), 52.2% (n = 337/646) were male, and 33.5% (n = 128/382) were of African ethnicity. SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcriptase PCR and serology were positive in 42% (n = 142/426), and 85.3% (n = 300/352) of cases respectively. Presenting complaint(s) were predominately gastrointestinal: 77.6% (n = 436/562) generalized abdominal pain, 76.4% (n = 386/505) vomiting, and 63.2% (n = 203/321) diarrhea. Hypotensive shock was also commonly observed at admission. Additionally, laboratory data revealed elevated neutrophils and inflammatory markers. Echocardiogram findings indicated reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and myocarditis in 22.6% (n = 85/376) and 22.3% (n = 84/376) of cases, respectively. Immunoglobulins and intravenous steroids were predominantly used in 76% (n = 433/571) and 51% (n = 317/618) of cases, respectively. Majority of the patients (97%, n = 418/431) were discharged home. A combination treatment of tocilizumab and IVIG had a mean length of stay of 7 ± 3 days and 95.5% (n = 21/22) discharge rate with low complications in comparison to either of the treatments alone.


    MIC-S syndrome is a pediatric hyperinflammatory condition that has an association with COVID-19 background exposure. MIS-C has a heterogeneous multisystem presentation that can be associated with life threatening cardiac complications. There is a need to further explore its long-term morbidity.



    C-reactive protein




    polymerase chain reaction




    creatine kinase


    lactate dehydrogenase






    chest x-ray

    Abdo U/S

    abdominal ultrasound


    computed tomography


    erythrocyte sedimentation rate


    pro-b-type natriuretic peptide


    b-type natriuretic peptide





    TNF Alpha

    tumor necrosis factor alpha


    international normalized ratio


    blood urea nitrogen


    aspartate transaminase


    alanine transaminase

    length of stay



    standard deviation


    intracerebral hemorrhage


    heart failure


    multi-organ failure


    respiratory failure


    not available




    Conflict of interest

    All authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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