Research article Special Issues

Gradient and Hamiltonian coupled systems on undirected networks

  • Received: 26 December 2018 Accepted: 06 May 2019 Published: 23 May 2019
  • Many real world applications are modelled by coupled systems on undirected networks. Two striking classes of such systems are the gradient and the Hamiltonian systems. In fact, within these two classes, coupled systems are admissible only by the undirected networks. For the coupled systems associated with a network, there can be flow-invariant spaces (synchrony subspaces where some subsystems evolve synchronously), whose existence is independent of the systems equations and depends only on the network topology. Moreover, any coupled system on the network, when restricted to such a synchrony subspace, determines a new coupled system associated with a smaller network (quotient). The original network is said to be a lift of the quotient network. In this paper, we characterize the conditions for the coupled systems property of being gradient or Hamiltonian to be preserved by the lift and quotient coupled systems. This characterization is based on determining necessary and sufficient conditions for a quotient (lift) network of an undirected network to be also undirected. We show that the extra gradient or Hamiltonian structure of a coupled system admissible by an undirected network can be lost by the systems admissible by a (directed) quotient network. Conversely, gradient (Hamiltonian) dynamics can appear for an undirected quotient network of a directed network or of an undirected network whose associated dynamics is not gradient (Hamiltonian). We illustrate with a neural network given by two groups of neurons that are mutually coupled through either excitatory or inhibitory synapses, which is modelled by a coupled system exhibiting both gradient and Hamiltonian structures.

    Citation: Manuela Aguiar, Ana Dias, Miriam Manoel. Gradient and Hamiltonian coupled systems on undirected networks[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(5): 4622-4644. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2019232

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  • Many real world applications are modelled by coupled systems on undirected networks. Two striking classes of such systems are the gradient and the Hamiltonian systems. In fact, within these two classes, coupled systems are admissible only by the undirected networks. For the coupled systems associated with a network, there can be flow-invariant spaces (synchrony subspaces where some subsystems evolve synchronously), whose existence is independent of the systems equations and depends only on the network topology. Moreover, any coupled system on the network, when restricted to such a synchrony subspace, determines a new coupled system associated with a smaller network (quotient). The original network is said to be a lift of the quotient network. In this paper, we characterize the conditions for the coupled systems property of being gradient or Hamiltonian to be preserved by the lift and quotient coupled systems. This characterization is based on determining necessary and sufficient conditions for a quotient (lift) network of an undirected network to be also undirected. We show that the extra gradient or Hamiltonian structure of a coupled system admissible by an undirected network can be lost by the systems admissible by a (directed) quotient network. Conversely, gradient (Hamiltonian) dynamics can appear for an undirected quotient network of a directed network or of an undirected network whose associated dynamics is not gradient (Hamiltonian). We illustrate with a neural network given by two groups of neurons that are mutually coupled through either excitatory or inhibitory synapses, which is modelled by a coupled system exhibiting both gradient and Hamiltonian structures.


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