Research article

Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration in a bladeless turbine: Effects of separation distance between tandem harvesters

  • Received: 28 June 2024 Revised: 18 October 2024 Accepted: 29 October 2024 Published: 31 October 2024
  • Bladeless wind turbines are attracting attention as energy harvesters due to several conveniences like the ease of construction and suitability for operating under small wind speed. As a grouped energy generation system, it is likely the simplest configuration compared to wind farms. However, the characterization of tandem harvesters requires a deep understanding of the effects produced by the interaction of the two. Therefore, this work considered a set of two conical cylinders representing tandem harvesters, which lie on the bottom of a wind tunnel and were subjected to resonance conditions. The attention focused on evaluating the effects of separation distance between conical cylinders by three distances: $\ell$ = 0.25h, 0.5h, and 0.75h, where h is the cylinder's total height. Oscillation due to vortex shedding was numerically predicted. The analysis centered on the fluid-structure interaction in pairs of wind generators subjected to wind-induced resonance, and how the distance between them affects their oscillation. Experimental data of cylinder vibration measured in a wind tunnel served to validate the numerical results. The results showed strong effects of the wake on the second cylinder placed downstream from the first one for a distance $\ell$ = 0.25h. In contrast, minimum effects were observed for $\ell$ = 0.5h and $\ell$ = 0.75h.

    Citation: Dulce M Graciano, Fernando Z Sierra-Espinosa, Juan C García. Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration in a bladeless turbine: Effects of separation distance between tandem harvesters[J]. Metascience in Aerospace, 2024, 1(3): 309-328. doi: 10.3934/mina.2024014

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  • Bladeless wind turbines are attracting attention as energy harvesters due to several conveniences like the ease of construction and suitability for operating under small wind speed. As a grouped energy generation system, it is likely the simplest configuration compared to wind farms. However, the characterization of tandem harvesters requires a deep understanding of the effects produced by the interaction of the two. Therefore, this work considered a set of two conical cylinders representing tandem harvesters, which lie on the bottom of a wind tunnel and were subjected to resonance conditions. The attention focused on evaluating the effects of separation distance between conical cylinders by three distances: $\ell$ = 0.25h, 0.5h, and 0.75h, where h is the cylinder's total height. Oscillation due to vortex shedding was numerically predicted. The analysis centered on the fluid-structure interaction in pairs of wind generators subjected to wind-induced resonance, and how the distance between them affects their oscillation. Experimental data of cylinder vibration measured in a wind tunnel served to validate the numerical results. The results showed strong effects of the wake on the second cylinder placed downstream from the first one for a distance $\ell$ = 0.25h. In contrast, minimum effects were observed for $\ell$ = 0.5h and $\ell$ = 0.75h.


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