Research article

A two- to three-dimensional wake transition mechanism induced by the angle of attack of a NACA0012 airfoil

  • Received: 25 July 2024 Revised: 23 October 2024 Accepted: 04 November 2024 Published: 13 November 2024
  • A high-order spectral element method was used to perform three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the flow past a NACA0012 airfoil. We considered a Reynolds number $ Re = 1000 $ and two different angles of attack, $ \alpha = 11^\circ $ and $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, to study the two- to three-dimensional wake transition. A boundary layer separation was observed for both angles of attack with the separation point closer to the leading edge for $ \alpha = 16^\circ $. The downstream of the airfoil exhibited streamwise vortical structures formed in the braid regions connecting the primary vortices for $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, while only shed vortices were observed for $ \alpha = 11^\circ $. The formation of these streamwise structures were explained by the presence of a reverse flow from the lower surface for $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, enhancing shearing effects. The early-stage development of the three-dimensional wake, in the case of $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, was characterized by the formation of a spanwise sinusoidal velocity whose amplitude increased exponentially over time. The flow on the upper surface experienced a higher strain field which pulled up small disturbances from the airfoil surface and formed regions of concentrated vortical structures. These structures were subjected to stretching under the strain field and later advected downstream of the airfoil.

    Citation: Hussein Kokash, G. Gilou Agbaglah. A two- to three-dimensional wake transition mechanism induced by the angle of attack of a NACA0012 airfoil[J]. Metascience in Aerospace, 2024, 1(3): 329-345. doi: 10.3934/mina.2024015

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  • A high-order spectral element method was used to perform three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the flow past a NACA0012 airfoil. We considered a Reynolds number $ Re = 1000 $ and two different angles of attack, $ \alpha = 11^\circ $ and $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, to study the two- to three-dimensional wake transition. A boundary layer separation was observed for both angles of attack with the separation point closer to the leading edge for $ \alpha = 16^\circ $. The downstream of the airfoil exhibited streamwise vortical structures formed in the braid regions connecting the primary vortices for $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, while only shed vortices were observed for $ \alpha = 11^\circ $. The formation of these streamwise structures were explained by the presence of a reverse flow from the lower surface for $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, enhancing shearing effects. The early-stage development of the three-dimensional wake, in the case of $ \alpha = 16^\circ $, was characterized by the formation of a spanwise sinusoidal velocity whose amplitude increased exponentially over time. The flow on the upper surface experienced a higher strain field which pulled up small disturbances from the airfoil surface and formed regions of concentrated vortical structures. These structures were subjected to stretching under the strain field and later advected downstream of the airfoil.


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