A two-patch prey-predator model with predator dispersal driven by the predation strength

  • Received: 30 August 2016 Accepted: 25 December 2016 Published: 01 August 2017
  • MSC : Primary: 37G35, 34C23; Secondary: 92D25, 92D40

  • Foraging movements of predator play an important role in population dynamics of prey-predator systems, which have been considered as mechanisms that contribute to spatial self-organization of prey and predator. In nature, there are many examples of prey-predator interactions where prey is immobile while predator disperses between patches non-randomly through different factors such as stimuli following the encounter of a prey. In this work, we formulate a Rosenzweig-MacArthur prey-predator two patch model with mobility only in predator and the assumption that predators move towards patches with more concentrated prey-predator interactions. We provide completed local and global analysis of our model. Our analytical results combined with bifurcation diagrams suggest that: (1) dispersal may stabilize or destabilize the coupled system; (2) dispersal may generate multiple interior equilibria that lead to rich bistable dynamics or may destroy interior equilibria that lead to the extinction of predator in one patch or both patches; (3) Under certain conditions, the large dispersal can promote the permanence of the system. In addition, we compare the dynamics of our model to the classic two patch model to obtain a better understanding how different dispersal strategies may have different impacts on the dynamics and spatial patterns.

    Citation: Yun Kang, Sourav Kumar Sasmal, Komi Messan. A two-patch prey-predator model with predator dispersal driven by the predation strength[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2017, 14(4): 843-880. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2017046

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  • Foraging movements of predator play an important role in population dynamics of prey-predator systems, which have been considered as mechanisms that contribute to spatial self-organization of prey and predator. In nature, there are many examples of prey-predator interactions where prey is immobile while predator disperses between patches non-randomly through different factors such as stimuli following the encounter of a prey. In this work, we formulate a Rosenzweig-MacArthur prey-predator two patch model with mobility only in predator and the assumption that predators move towards patches with more concentrated prey-predator interactions. We provide completed local and global analysis of our model. Our analytical results combined with bifurcation diagrams suggest that: (1) dispersal may stabilize or destabilize the coupled system; (2) dispersal may generate multiple interior equilibria that lead to rich bistable dynamics or may destroy interior equilibria that lead to the extinction of predator in one patch or both patches; (3) Under certain conditions, the large dispersal can promote the permanence of the system. In addition, we compare the dynamics of our model to the classic two patch model to obtain a better understanding how different dispersal strategies may have different impacts on the dynamics and spatial patterns.

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