Research article Special Issues

New generalization of fuzzy soft sets: $ (a, b) $-Fuzzy soft sets

  • Received: 01 October 2022 Revised: 03 November 2022 Accepted: 10 November 2022 Published: 14 November 2022
  • MSC : 03E72, 03E99, 08A72

  • Many models of uncertain knowledge have been designed that combine expanded views of fuzziness (expressions of partial memberships) with parameterization (multiple subsethood indexed by a parameter set). The standard orthopair fuzzy soft set is a very general example of this successful blend initiated by fuzzy soft sets. It is a mapping from a set of parameters to the family of all orthopair fuzzy sets (which allow for a very general view of acceptable membership and non-membership evaluations). To expand the scope of application of fuzzy soft set theory, the restriction of orthopair fuzzy sets that membership and non-membership must be calibrated with the same power should be removed. To this purpose we introduce the concept of $ (a, b) $-fuzzy soft set, shortened as $ (a, b) $-FSS. They enable us to address situations that impose evaluations with different importances for membership and non-membership degrees, a problem that cannot be modeled by the existing generalizations of intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets. We establish the fundamental set of arithmetic operations for $ (a, b) $-FSSs and explore their main characteristics. Then we define aggregation operators for $ (a, b) $-FSSs and discuss their main properties and the relationships between them. Finally, with the help of suitably defined scores and accuracies we design a multi-criteria decision-making strategy that operates in this novel framework. We also analyze a decision-making problem to endorse the validity of $ (a, b) $-FSSs for decision-making purposes.

    Citation: Tareq M. Al-shami, José Carlos R. Alcantud, Abdelwaheb Mhemdi. New generalization of fuzzy soft sets: $ (a, b) $-Fuzzy soft sets[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(2): 2995-3025. doi: 10.3934/math.2023155

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  • Many models of uncertain knowledge have been designed that combine expanded views of fuzziness (expressions of partial memberships) with parameterization (multiple subsethood indexed by a parameter set). The standard orthopair fuzzy soft set is a very general example of this successful blend initiated by fuzzy soft sets. It is a mapping from a set of parameters to the family of all orthopair fuzzy sets (which allow for a very general view of acceptable membership and non-membership evaluations). To expand the scope of application of fuzzy soft set theory, the restriction of orthopair fuzzy sets that membership and non-membership must be calibrated with the same power should be removed. To this purpose we introduce the concept of $ (a, b) $-fuzzy soft set, shortened as $ (a, b) $-FSS. They enable us to address situations that impose evaluations with different importances for membership and non-membership degrees, a problem that cannot be modeled by the existing generalizations of intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets. We establish the fundamental set of arithmetic operations for $ (a, b) $-FSSs and explore their main characteristics. Then we define aggregation operators for $ (a, b) $-FSSs and discuss their main properties and the relationships between them. Finally, with the help of suitably defined scores and accuracies we design a multi-criteria decision-making strategy that operates in this novel framework. We also analyze a decision-making problem to endorse the validity of $ (a, b) $-FSSs for decision-making purposes.


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