In the present work, we have established sufficient conditions for boundary controllability of nonlocal fractional neutral integrodifferential evolution systems with time-varying delays in Banach space. The outcomes are obtained by applying the fractional theory and Banach fixed point theorem. At last, we give an application for the validation of the theoretical results.
Citation: Yong-Ki Ma, Kamalendra Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Rohit Patel, Anurag Shukla, Velusamy Vijayakumar. Discussion on boundary controllability of nonlocal fractional neutral integrodifferential evolution systems[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 7642-7656. doi: 10.3934/math.2022429
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[2] | Madeaha Alghanmi, Shahad Alqurayqiri . Existence results for a coupled system of nonlinear fractional functional differential equations with infinite delay and nonlocal integral boundary conditions. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(6): 15040-15059. doi: 10.3934/math.2024729 |
[3] | Noorah Mshary, Hamdy M. Ahmed . Discussion on exact null boundary controllability of nonlinear fractional stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(3): 5552-5567. doi: 10.3934/math.2025256 |
[4] | Donny Passary, Sotiris K. Ntouyas, Jessada Tariboon . Hilfer fractional quantum system with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives and integrals in boundary conditions. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 218-239. doi: 10.3934/math.2024013 |
[5] | Krishnan Kavitha, Velusamy Vijayakumar, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Anurag Shukla, Wedad Albalawi, Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty . Existence and controllability of Hilfer fractional neutral differential equations with time delay via sequence method. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(7): 12760-12780. doi: 10.3934/math.2022706 |
[6] | Mouffak Benchohra, Zohra Bouteffal, Johnny Henderson, Sara Litimein . Measure of noncompactness and fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent nonlocal conditions in Fréchet spaces. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(1): 15-25. doi: 10.3934/math.2020002 |
[7] | Marimuthu Mohan Raja, Velusamy Vijayakumar, Anurag Shukla, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Wedad Albalawi, Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty . A new discussion concerning to exact controllability for fractional mixed Volterra-Fredholm integrodifferential equations of order $ {r} \in (1, 2) $ with impulses. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(5): 10802-10821. doi: 10.3934/math.2023548 |
[8] | Yong-Ki Ma, Kamalendra Kumar, Rohit Patel, Anurag Shukla, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Velusamy Vijayakumar . An investigation on boundary controllability for Sobolev-type neutral evolution equations of fractional order in Banach space. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(7): 11687-11707. doi: 10.3934/math.2022651 |
[9] | Naveed Iqbal, Azmat Ullah Khan Niazi, Ikram Ullah Khan, Rasool Shah, Thongchai Botmart . Cauchy problem for non-autonomous fractional evolution equations with nonlocal conditions of order $ (1, 2) $. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 8891-8913. doi: 10.3934/math.2022496 |
[10] | Kanagaraj Muthuselvan, Baskar Sundaravadivoo, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Suliman Alsaeed . Discussion on iterative process of nonlocal controllability exploration for Hilfer neutral impulsive fractional integro-differential equation. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(7): 16846-16863. doi: 10.3934/math.2023861 |
In the present work, we have established sufficient conditions for boundary controllability of nonlocal fractional neutral integrodifferential evolution systems with time-varying delays in Banach space. The outcomes are obtained by applying the fractional theory and Banach fixed point theorem. At last, we give an application for the validation of the theoretical results.
Most of the dynamical systems in science and engineering have the intrinsic nature of time delay to some degree. Time delays occur in many dynamical systems such as chemical or process control systems, biological systems, network control systems, etc. As per the practical requirement, the delays may be time-varying or constant. Many systems, for example, sample data control, aircraft control, etc., are modelled as time-varying delays, which are the principal cause of instability and weak control performance. Neutral systems with time delay are the systems in which uncertainty is present in the state and derivatives. These systems arise in many areas like population ecology, distributed networks, etc. Due to various applications in engineering and science, many researchers worked on the delay differential equation. Besides the above, in control theory, the problem of controllability is of specific importance. Controllability of the system can handle various problems like stabilization, pole assignment, and optimal control.
Fattorini [1] introduced the controllability condition on the boundary control system of first and second-order replacing boundary controls by distributed controls. Park et al. [2,4] gave the results for the boundary controllability of semilinear nonlocal control systems with the help of the Banach fixed point theorem. Ahmed et al. [3] derived results for approximate boundary controllability of stochastic control system of fractional order having Poisson jump and fractional Brownian motion. Balachandran et al. [5] investigated sufficient conditions for controllability of abstract neutral integrodifferential control systems having infinite delay using Nussbaum fixed point theorem and analytic semigroup theory. Radhakrishnan et al. [7] and Kumar et al. [10] studied the controllability for the integrodifferential control system in Banach space with the help of the Schaefer fixed point theorem. Cheng et al. [11] presented the exact controllability of fractional control system having time-varying delay using the theory of propagation family and Leray-Schauder theorem. Applications of fractional calculus in neural networks can be found in [45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54].
In [12,13,14,15,16,23] researchers investigated the existence and uniqueness of mild solution for certain classes of a fractional evolution equation with the help of fixed point theorem, fractional power operators, semigroup theory, the measure of non-compactness, etc. Guo et al. [21] presented null boundary controllability and proved nonlinear Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem for 1-D semilinear heat equations. In [8,9,17,18,19,20,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,44], researchers studied the approximate controllability for the semilinear control system of fractional order α∈(1,2], first and second-order using fixed-point theorem, cosine and sine theory of operators, fractional calculus, Lipschitz continuity and sequential approach.
Under Lion boundary conditions, the 3D Navier-Stokes system is approximately controllable, as discussed by Phan et al. [40]. Meraj et al. [41] derived the results for approximate controllability for a non-autonomous control system having nonlocal initial conditions using Krasnoselski theorem and evolution system. In modern era, fixed point theory is employed in many areas of mathematics and engineering. Keeping these utilizations of fixed point theory in mind, some fixed point results are proved in the structure of partial b-metric spaces and allied abstract spaces which emphasize primarily the applications for existence of the solution of various functional equations occurring in dynamic programming, integral equations, boundary value problems, equations representing LCR circuits and simple harmonic motion. Fixed point theory is a powerful tool to determine uniqueness of solutions to dynamical systems and is widely used in theoretical and applied analysis.
The main contributions of our paper are:
● We have derived the results for the boundary controllability of integrodifferential neutral control system having time-varying delays of fractional order.
● The primary outcomes for the systems (2.1)–(2.3) are derived by employing Banach fixed point theorem, semigroup theory and fractional calculus.
● By considering a set of assumptions (A1)–(A10) results can be obtained.
● The research focused on the boundary controllability of proposed systems (2.1)–(2.3) under consideration are not addressed in the literature to our knowledge, and it supports the current findings.
This article's structure will now be presented as follows:
(1) Section 2 discusses some definitions and assumptions.
(2) Results for boundary controllability are presented in section 3.
(3) An example is demonstrated to validate the theoretical result.
(4) Finally we have given a conclusion section.
Let us assume that V and U are two real Banach spaces having norms ‖⋅‖ and |⋅| respectively. Consider that ρ be a linear, closed and densely defined operator with D(ρ)⊆V. Consider Θ⊆X be linear operator with D(ρ) and R(Θ)⊆X, a Banach space. Now define the nonlocal fractional integrodifferential boundary control system having time varying delay as:
dαdςα[s(ς)+η(ς,s(ς),s(γ1(ς)))]=ρs(ς)+g(ς,s(ς),s(γ2(ς)))+∫ς0Ψ(ς,ϱ,s(γ3(ϱ)))dϱ,ς∈J=[0,b], | (2.1) |
Θs(ς)=E1u(ς), | (2.2) |
s(0)+ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))=s0, | (2.3) |
where ς1>0, ςp≤b and ςi<ςi+1i=1,2,.....p−1 and α∈(0,1]. The continuous linear operator E1 is defined from U to X. The control function u∈L2(J,U), a Banach space of admissible control functions with U. The delays functions γ1,γ2 and γ3 are continuous. The state s(.)∈V, the functions g,ϕ,Ψ and η are defined as g:J×V×V→V, ϕ:Jp×V→V, Ψ:Δ×V→V and η:J×V×V→V, and Δ={(ς,ϱ),0≤ϱ≤ς≤b}.
Suppose that the linear operator A:D(A)→V where D(A)⊆V be defined as: D(A)={s∈D(ρ):Θs=0},As=ρs, for s∈D(A). Consider
Er={y:‖ y‖≤r}⊂V. |
We consider the following assumptions:
(A1)D(ρ)⊂D(Θ) where ρ is closed linear operator having domain D(ρ) and Θ is a boundary operator having domain D(Θ). Also the restriction of Θ to D(ρ)is continuous (w.r.t. graph norm).
(A2)T(ς) is a compact semigroup having infinitesimal generator A. Also there exist L∈(0,∞) satisfying
||T(ς)||≤L. |
(A3) There exists an operator E defined from U to V which is continuous and linear, with ρE∈L(U,V), Θ(EU)=E1U, ∀u∈U. In addition, there exist a constant C>0 such that ‖ Eu‖≤C‖ E1u‖ for every u∈U and continuous differentiability is satisfied by Eu(ς).
(A4) For u∈U and 0<ς≤b, T(ς)Eu∈D(A). Also, there is a constant M∈(0,∞) satisfying ‖ AT(ς)‖≤M.
(A5) The operator W:L2(J,U)→V is linear and explained in the following way
Wu=α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)[T((b−ϱ)αϖ)ρ−AT((b−ϱ)αϖ)]Eu(ϱ)dϖdϱ, |
where ξα(ϖ) is called p.d.f, 0<ϖ<∞, see [13,14]. The operator ˜W−1 induced by ξα(ϖ), is invertible and is defined on L2(J,U)/kerW. There exist L1,L2∈(0,∞) satisfying
‖E‖≤L1, |
‖ ˜W−1‖≤L2. |
(A6) The function η, g is continuous in ς. Also, for every si,yi,ui,vi∈Er,i=1,2 and ς∈J, there exist C1,M1∈(0,∞)
‖ η(ς,u1,v1)−η(ς,u2,v2)‖≤C1[‖ u1−u2‖+‖ v1−v2‖].‖ g(ς,s1,y1)−g(ς,s2,y2)‖≤M1[‖ s1−s2‖+‖ y1−y2‖]. |
(A7) The function Ψ is continuous in ς and ϱ, there exist N1∈(0,∞) such that for every u,v∈Er and ς,ϱ∈Δ,
‖ Ψ(ς,ϱ,u)−Ψ(ς,ϱ,v)‖≤N1‖ u−v‖. |
(A8) There exists a constant H∈(0,∞) such that for z1,z2∈C(J,Er), we have
‖ ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,z1(⋅))−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,z2(⋅))‖≤Hsupς∈[0,b]‖ z1(ς)−z2(ς)‖. |
(A9)∀s1,s2∈V there is a constant p>0 such that
‖ s1(γi(ς))−s2(γi(ς))‖≤p‖ s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖, for i=1,2. |
(A10) There exists a constant r>0 such that
[(L‖ s0‖+LH1+LC3+C4+M(2rC1+C2)bα+bαL(2rM1+M2)+bαL(N1rb+N2b))(1+bα{M+L‖ ρ‖}L1L2) |
+‖ a‖L1L2bα(M+L‖ ρ‖)]≤r, |
where the constants M2,C2,C3,C4 and N2 will be defined later.
Let us assume the solutions of (2.1)–(2.3) as s(ς). Now, describe z(ς)=−Eu(ς)+s(ς) and by above assumption, z(ς)∈D(A).
We can express (2.1)–(2.3) as:
dαdςα[s(ς)+η(ς,s(ς),s(γ1(ς)))]=Az(ς)+ρEu(ς)+g(ς,s(ς),s(γ2(ς)))+∫ς0Ψ(ς,ϱ,s(γ3(ϱ)))dϱ,ς∈J=[0,b], | (2.4) |
s(ς)=z(ς)+Eu(ς), | (2.5) |
s(0)+ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))=s0. | (2.6) |
If continuous differentiability on [0,b] is satisfied by u, then we can express z as a mild solution of given below problem:
dαdςα[z(ς)+η(ς,s(ς),s(γ1(ς)))]=Az(ς)+ρEu(ς)−Edαu(ς)dςα+g(ς,s(ς),s(γ2(ς)))+∫ς0Ψ(ς,ϱ,s(γ3(ϱ)))dϱ,z(0)=s0−Eu(0)−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(0)). |
The solutions of (2.1)–(2.3) is stated as:
s(ς)=∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)[s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))−Eu(0)]dϖ+Eu(ς)−α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)dαdϱα[η(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ1(ϱ)))]dϖdϱ+α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)[ρEu(ϱ)−Edαu(ϱ)dϱα]dϖdϱ+α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)[g(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ2(ϱ)))+∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,s(γ3(σ)))dσ]dϖdϱ. | (2.7) |
Now, integrating (2.7), we get
s(ς)=∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)[s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))+η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))]dϖ−η(ς,s(ς),s(γ1(ς)))−α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)η(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ1(ϱ)))dϖdϱ−α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)Eu(ϱ)dϖdϱ+α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)[ρEu(ϱ)+g(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ2(ϱ)))+∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,s(γ3(σ)))dσ]dϖdϱ. | (2.8) |
Consequently, (2.8) is clearly defined and it is called a mild solution of the systems (2.1)–(2.3).
Definition 2.1. The systems (2.1)–(2.3) is called controllable on the interval J if for all s0,a∈V, there exists a control u∈L2(J,U) such that the solutions s(⋅) of (2.1)–(2.3) meets s(b)=a where b>0 is a final point of J.
The main objective is to transfer the systems (2.4)–(2.6) from s(0)=s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅)) to s(b)=a, see [4].
Theorem 3.1. If the assumptions (A1)–(A10) are fulfilled, then the boundary control of the evolution systems (2.1)–(2.3) is controllable on J provided
[(LH+LC1(1+p)+C1(1+p)+bαMC1(1+p)+bαLM1(1+p)+bαL(bN1p)) |
(1+bα{M+L‖ ρ‖}L1L2)]≤Π,0≤Π<1. |
Proof. By applying the invertible operator ˜W−1, for arbitrary function s(⋅), we present
u(ς)=˜W−1[a−∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(bαϖ)[s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))+η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))]dϖ+η(b,s(b),s(γ1(b)))+α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((b−ϱ)αϖ)η(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ1(ϱ)))dϖdϱ−α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−ϱ)αϖ)g(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ2(ϱ)))dϖdϱ−α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−ϱ)αϖ)[∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,s(γ3(σ)))dσ]dϖdϱ](ς). | (3.1) |
Now, we shall observe that, when applying this control u(ς), the operator
F:C(J;Er)→C(J;Er) |
given as
(Fx)(ς)=∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)[s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))+η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))]dϖ−η(ς,s(ς),s(γ1(ς)))−α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)η(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ1(ϱ)))dϖdϱ−α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)[AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)−T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)ρ]×E˜W−1[a−∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(bαϖ)[s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))+η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))]dϖ+η(b,s(b),s(γ1(b)))+α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((b−σ)αϖ)η(σ,s(σ),s(γ1(σ)))dϖdσ−α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−σ)αϖ)g(σ,s(σ),s(γ2(σ)))dϖdσ−α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−σ)αϖ)×[∫σ0Ψ(σ,μ,s(γ3(μ)))dμ]dϖdσ](ϱ)dϖdϱ+α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)g(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ2(ϱ)))dϖdϱ+α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)[∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,s(γ3(σ)))dσ]dϖdϱ, |
has a fixed point. This fixed point is then the solutions of the (2.1)–(2.3). Fx(b)=a, this means that the control u steers the nonlocal fractional neutral integrodifferential evolution systems with time varying delays from the initial state s0 to a in time b provided we can achieve a fixed point of the operator F.
Initially, we demonstrate that F maps C(J;Er) into itself. We can select M2,C2,C3,C4,N2>0 such that
M2=maxϱ∈J‖g(ϱ,0,0)‖, |
C2=maxϱ∈[0,T]‖η(ϱ,0,0)‖, |
C3=maxs∈C([0,ς],Er)‖η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))‖, |
C4=maxs∈C([0,ς],Er)‖η(0,s(b),s(γ1(b)))‖, |
N2=maxς,ϱ∈Δ‖Ψ(ς,ϱ,0)‖. |
Moreover, in view of the fact s(⋅) in ϕ is continuous on J, we consider
H1=maxs∈C(J,Er)‖ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))‖. |
From Eq (3.1), we have
‖ (Fx)(ς)‖≤‖ ∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)s0dϖ‖+‖ ∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))dϖ‖+‖ ∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))dϖ‖+‖ η(ς,s(ς),s(γ1(ς)))‖+α∫ς0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)η(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ1(ϱ)))dϖ‖dϱ+α∫ς0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)[AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)−T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)ρ]dϖ‖‖ E‖‖ ˜W−1‖[‖ a‖+‖ ∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(bαϖ)[s0−ϕ(ς1,ς2,...,ςp,s(⋅))+η(0,s(0),s(γ1(0)))]dϖ‖ +‖ η(b,s(b),s(γ1(b)))‖+α∫b0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((b−σ)αϖ)η(σ,s(σ),s(γ1(σ)))dϖ‖dσ+α∫b0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−σ)αϖ)g(σ,s(σ),s(γ2(σ)))dϖ‖ dσ+α∫b0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−σ)αϖ)[∫σ0Ψ(σ,μ,s(γ3(μ)))dμ]dϖ‖dσ](ϱ)dϱ+α∫ς0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)dϖ‖‖ g(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ2(ϱ)))‖dϱ+α∫ς0‖ ∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)dϖ‖‖ ∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,s(γ3(σ)))dσ‖dϱ≤L‖ s0‖+LH1+LC3+C4+Mα∫ς0(ς−ϱ)α−1[‖ η(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ1(ϱ)))−η(ϱ,0,0)‖+‖ η(ϱ,0,0)‖]dϱ+α∫ς0(ς−ϱ)α−1{M+L‖ ρ‖}L1L2[‖ a‖+L(‖ s0‖+H1+C3)+C4+α∫b0(b−σ)α−1M{‖ η(σ,s(σ),s(γ1(σ)))−η(σ,0,0)‖+‖ η(σ,0,0)‖}dσ+α∫b0(b−σ)α−1L{‖ g(σ,s(σ),s(γ2(σ)))−g(σ,0,0)‖+‖ g(σ,0,0)‖}dσ+α∫b0(b−σ)α−1L[‖∫σ0(Ψ(σ,μ,s(γ3(μ)))−Ψ(σ,μ,0))dμ‖+‖∫σ0Ψ(σ,μ,0)dμ‖]dσ]dϱ+α∫ς0(ς−ϱ)α−1L{‖ g(ϱ,s(ϱ),s(γ2(ϱ)))−g(ϱ,0,0)‖+‖ g(ϱ,0,0)‖}dϱ+α∫ς0(ς−ϱ)α−1L[‖∫ϱ0(Ψ(ϱ,σ,s(γ3(σ)))−Ψ(ϱ,σ,0))dσ‖+‖∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,0)dσ‖]dϱ≤L‖ s0‖+LH1+LC3+C4+M(2rC1+C2)bα+bα{M+L‖ ρ‖}L1L2×[‖ a‖+L(‖ s0‖+H1+C3)+C4+Mbα(2rC1+C2)+bαL(2rM1+M2)+bαL(N1rb+N2b)]+bαL(2rM1+M2)+bαL(N1rb+N2b)≤[L‖ s0‖+LH1+LC3+C4+M(2rC1+C2)bα+bαL(2rM1+M2)+bαL(N1rb+N2b)][1+bα{M+L‖ ρ‖}L1L2]+‖ a‖L1L2bα{M+L‖ ρ‖}≤r. |
Hence, F maps C(J;Er) into itself.
Next, we demonstrate that F is a contraction on C(J;Er). Indeed,
‖ Fx1(ς)−Fx2(ς)‖≤‖ ∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)[ϕ(ς1,...,ςp,s1(⋅))−ϕ(ς1,...,ςp,s2(⋅))]dϖ‖+‖ ∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(ςαϖ)[η(0,s(0),s1(γ1(0)))−η(0,s(0),s2(γ1(0)))]dϖ‖+‖ η(ς,s1(ς),s1(γ1(ς)))−η(ς,s2(ς),s2(γ1(ς)))‖+‖α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)[η(ϱ,s1(ϱ),s1(γ1(ϱ)))−η(ϱ,s2(ϱ),s2(γ1(ϱ)))]dϖdϱ‖+‖α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ){AT((ς−ϱ)αϖ)−T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)ρ}E˜W−1[∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(bαϖ)[ϕ(ς1,...,ςp,s1(⋅))−ϕ(ς1,...,ςp,s2(⋅))]dϖ+∫∞0ξα(ϖ)T(bαϖ)[η(0,s(0),s1(γ1(0)))−η(0,s(0),s2(γ1(0)))]dϖ+η(b,s1(b),s1(γ1(b)))−η(b,s2(b),s2(γ1(b)))]+α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)×AT((b−σ)αϖ)[η(σ,s1(σ),s1(γ1(σ)))−η(σ,s2(σ),s2(γ1(σ)))]dϖdσ−α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−σ)αϖ)[g(σ,s1(σ),s1(γ2(σ)))−g(σ,s2(σ),s2(γ2(σ)))]dϖdσ−α∫b0∫∞0ϖ(b−σ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((b−σ)αϖ)×[∫σ0Ψ(σ,μ,s1(γ3(μ)))−Ψ(σ,μ,s2(γ3(μ)))dμ]dϖdσ]‖(ϱ)dϖdϱ+‖α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)×[g(ϱ,s1(ϱ),s1(γ2(ϱ)))−g(ϱ,s2(ϱ),s2(γ2(ϱ)))]dϖdϱ‖+‖α∫ς0∫∞0ϖ(ς−ϱ)α−1ξα(ϖ)T((ς−ϱ)αϖ)×[∫ϱ0Ψ(ϱ,σ,s1(γ3(σ)))−Ψ(ϱ,σ,s2(γ3(σ)))dσ]dϖdϱ‖≤LHsupς∈J‖s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖+LC1{‖ s1(0)−s2(0)‖+‖ s1(γ1(0))−s2(γ1(0))‖}+C1{‖ s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖+‖ s1(γ1(ς))−s2(γ1(ς))‖}+bαMC1{‖ s1(ϱ)−s2(ϱ)‖+‖ s1(γ1(ϱ))−s2(γ1(ϱ))‖}+bα(M+L‖ ρ‖)L1L2[LHsupς∈J‖s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖+LC1{‖ s1(0)−s2(0)‖+‖ s1(γ1(0))−s2(γ1(0))‖}+C1{‖ s1(b)−s2(b)‖+‖ s1(γ1(b))−s2(γ1(b))‖}+bαMC1{‖ s1(σ)−s2(σ)‖+‖ s1(γ1(σ))−s2(γ1(σ))‖}+bαLM1{‖ s1(σ)−s2(σ)‖+‖ s1(γ2(σ))−s2(γ2(σ))‖}+bαL{bN1(s1(γ3(μ))−s2(γ3(μ)))}]+bαLM1{‖ s1(ϱ)−s2(ϱ)‖+‖ s1(γ2(ϱ))−s2(γ2(ϱ))‖}+bαL{bN1(s1(γ3(σ))−s2(γ3(σ)))}≤[LH+LC1(1+p)+C1(1+p)+bαMC1(1+p)+bα(M+L‖ ρ‖)L1L2×{LH+LC1(1+p)+C1(1+p)+bαMC1(1+p)+bαLM1(1+p)+bαL(bN1p)}+bαLM1(1+p)+bαL(bN1p)]supς∈J‖ s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖≤[LH+LC1(1+p)+C1(1+p)+bαMC1(1+p)+bαLM1(1+p) +bαL(bN1p)][1+bα(M+L‖ ρ‖)L1L2]‖ s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖≤Π‖ s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖, |
Π=[LH+LC1(1+p)+C1(1+p)+bαMC1(1+p)+bαLM1(1+p)+bαL(bN1p)] |
[1+bα(M+L‖ ρ‖)L1L2]. |
Since 0≤Π<1, F is a contraction on C([0,b];Er). Implementing the Banach fixed point theorem we obtain a unique fixed point for F in C(J;Er) and which is the mild solutions of (2.1)–(2.3) that fulfills s(b)=a. Thus, the systems (2.1)–(2.3) is controllable on J.
Let Ω be a bounded subset of Rn and let boundary of Ω be Γ, which is smooth. Consider the boundary control nonlocal neutral fractional differential system with time varying delay
∂α∂ςα[z(ς,s)+η(ς,z(ς,s),z(γ1(ς),s))]=Δz(ς,s)+g(ς,z(ς,s),z(γ2(ς),s))+∫ς0Ψ(ς,ϱ,z(γ3(ς),s))dϱ, in Q=(a,b)×Ω, | (4.1) |
z(ς,0)=u(ς,0) on Σ=(0,b)×Γ,ς∈[0,b], | (4.2) |
z(0,s)+ϕ(z(b∗,s))=z0(s), for s∈Ω,b∗∈[0,b], | (4.3) |
in which u∈L2(Σ),z0∈L2(Ω),g,Ψ∈L2(Q).
Moreover, consider that the functions η,g,Ψ and ϕ are fulfilled the conditions given as:
‖ η(ς,s,y)−η(ς,u,v)‖≤a1[‖ s−u‖+‖ y−v‖],ς∈J, |
‖ g(ς,s,y)−g(ς,u,v)‖≤a2[‖ s−u‖+‖ y−v‖],ς∈J, |
‖ Ψ(ς,ϱ,s)−Ψ(ς,ϱ,y)‖≤a3‖ s−y‖,ς,ϱ∈Δ, |
‖ ϕ(s1(b∗,s))−ϕ(s2(b∗,s))‖≤a4supς∈[0,b]‖ s1(ς)−s2(ς)‖, |
where a1,a2,a3,a4 are positive constants, s,y,z,u,v∈Er and s1,s2∈C(J;Er). Now, we can take operators ρ, E1 and Θ, the space U, X, V as below, so we can formulate (4.1)–(4.3) as a boundary control problems of (2.1)–(2.3).
D(ρ)={z∈L2(Ω);Δz∈L2(Ω)}, |
ρ=Δ, E1 is equal to I, where I denotes identity operator. Θ is called trace operator and is defined as Θz=z|Γ. Clearly Θ is well defined and Θ∈H−12(Γ).
Also, L2(Γ)=U, X=H−12(Γ) and V=L2(Ω). A is defined as A=Δ,D(A)=H10(Ω)UH2(Ω), where Hk(Ω),Hχ(Γ) and H10(Ω) are usual Sobolev space on Ω,Γ.
Then A can be represented as:
A(z)=∞∑n=1−(n)2(z,zn)znz∈D(A), |
where zn(y)=√2sinny,n=1,2,.... is the orthogonal set of eigenvectors of A.
Again, for z∈U,
T(ς)z=∞∑n=1e−n21+n2ς(z,zn)zn. |
It is easy to see that A generates a strongly continuous semigroup {T(ς):ς≥0} in U. Hence, the hypothesis (A1),(A2) are satisfied.
We express the operator E defined from L2(Γ) to L2(Ω) as Eu=wu, wu is the unique solution to the subsequent system,
Δwu=0inΩ, |
wu=uinΓ. |
It is proved in [22] that for every u∈H−12(Γ), the above system has a unique solution wu∈L2(Ω) satisfying ||Eu||L2(Ω)=||wu||L2(Ω)=c1||u||H−12(Γ). This shows that (A3) is satisfied. From the above estimates, it follows by interpolation argument [6] that
||AT(ς)E||L(L2(Γ),L2(Γ))≤C′ς−34,∀ς>0, |
with v(ς)=C′ς−34, where c1,C′ are positive constant independent of u. Therefore, hypothesis (A4) is satisfied. The boundary controllability of the systems (4.1)–(4.3) is discussed in detailed in [1,5]. For condition (A5), the detailed discussion is presented in [42,43]. Clearly, the functions η,g,Ψ,ϕ satisfies the assumptions (A6)–(A9).
Select b and the remaining constants such that (A1)–(A10) are fulfilled, see [22]. Thus, Theorem 3.1 can be applied for (4.1)–(4.3) and so the systems (4.1)–(4.3) is controllable on [0,b].
To sum up it, we explored the sufficient conditions for boundary controllability of neutral integrodifferential evolution system of fractional order with time varying delay and nonlocal condition in Banach spaces. To establish the result, we apply the Banach fixed point theorem. In the end, we stated an application to validate the abstract result. The above researches of (2.1)–(2.3) provides only an analytic result. This result which is given in (2.1)–(2.3), may be applied to get the numerical solution of such kind of equation. In future we will try to obtain some results on stability, asymptotic behavior and some numerical method like HAM. Also researchers can extend boundary controllability to boundary communication.
This work was supported by the research grant of Kongju National University in 2021 and this research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1F1A1048937) to the first author.
This work does not have any conflict of interest.
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1. | Yong-Ki Ma, Kamalendra Kumar, Rohit Patel, Anurag Shukla, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Velusamy Vijayakumar, An investigation on boundary controllability for Sobolev-type neutral evolution equations of fractional order in Banach space, 2022, 7, 2473-6988, 11687, 10.3934/math.2022651 | |
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