Special Issue: Mathematical and Numerical Models in Fractional Calculus: Analysis and Applications
Guest Editor
Prof. Jorge E. Macías-Díaz
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Email: jemacias@correo.uaa.mx
Manuscript Topics
In recent years, fractional calculus has witnessed tremendous progress in various areas of sciences and mathematics. On one hand, new definitions of fractional derivatives and integrals have appeared in recent years, extending the classical definitions in some sense or another. Moreover, the rigorous analysis of the functional properties of those new definitions has been an active area of research in mathematical analysis. Systems considering differential equations with fractional-order operators have been investigated rigorously from the analytical and numerical points of view, and potential applications have been proposed in the sciences and in technology. The purpose of this Special Issue is to serve as a specialized forum for the dissemination of recent progresses in the theory of fractional calculus and its potential applications. We invite authors to submit high-quality reports on the analysis of fractional-order differential/integral equations, the analysis of new definitions of fractional derivatives, numerical methods for fractional-order equations, and applications to physical systems governed by fractional differential equations, among other interesting topics of research.
This special issue will be focused but not limited to:
• Fractional-order differential/integral equations
• New fractional-order operators and their properties
• Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions
• Numerical methods for fractional-order equations
• Analysis of convergence and stability
• Applications to science and engineering
Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system
Paper Submission
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 01 May 2022