Research article

Partially balanced network designs and graph codes generation

  • Received: 23 June 2021 Accepted: 28 October 2021 Published: 12 November 2021
  • MSC : 05B30, 0570, 94A60, 94A62

  • Partial balanced incomplete block designs have a wide range of applications in many areas. Such designs provide advantages over fully balanced incomplete block designs as they allow for designs with a low number of blocks and different associations. This paper introduces a class of partially balanced incomplete designs. We call it partially balanced network designs (PBNDs). The fundamentals and properties of PBNDs are studied. We are concerned with modeling PBNDs as graph designs. Some direct constructions of small PBNDs and generalized PBNDs are introduced. Besides that, we show that our modeling yields an effective utilization of PNBDs in constructing graph codes. Here, we are interested in constructing graph codes from bipartite graphs. We have proved that these codes have good characteristics for error detection and correction. In the end, the paper introduces a novel technique for generating new codes from already constructed codes. This technique results in increasing the ability to correct errors.

    Citation: A. El-Mesady, Y. S. Hamed, M. S. Mohamed, H. Shabana. Partially balanced network designs and graph codes generation[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(2): 2393-2412. doi: 10.3934/math.2022135

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  • Partial balanced incomplete block designs have a wide range of applications in many areas. Such designs provide advantages over fully balanced incomplete block designs as they allow for designs with a low number of blocks and different associations. This paper introduces a class of partially balanced incomplete designs. We call it partially balanced network designs (PBNDs). The fundamentals and properties of PBNDs are studied. We are concerned with modeling PBNDs as graph designs. Some direct constructions of small PBNDs and generalized PBNDs are introduced. Besides that, we show that our modeling yields an effective utilization of PNBDs in constructing graph codes. Here, we are interested in constructing graph codes from bipartite graphs. We have proved that these codes have good characteristics for error detection and correction. In the end, the paper introduces a novel technique for generating new codes from already constructed codes. This technique results in increasing the ability to correct errors.


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