Case report Special Issues

A classroom experience about the application of research-based learning for the teaching of probability in engineering

  • Received: 17 December 2023 Revised: 06 February 2024 Accepted: 19 February 2024 Published: 14 March 2024
  • We explored the implementation of a Research-Based Learning (RBL) for the teaching and learning of probability in engineering education. The approach provided a student-centered learning environment, integrating practical activities within an active learning conception. A detailed RBL task in connection with weather forecasting was described, highlighting a methodical 10-day learning process that considers research, practical application, and reflection. The effectiveness of this RBL task was evaluated through thematic analysis of student reflective essays, focusing on their learning experiences and challenges. The analysis revealed enhanced understanding of probability, varied student engagement, and the value of practical learning. It also identified challenges in conceptualizing abstract probability concepts. The findings highlighted the RBL's potential in improving students' conceptual grasp and application of probability in real-world scenarios, providing key insights for future educational strategies in engineering. This study contributes to the broader discourse on innovative teaching methodologies in engineering education, demonstrating the impact of active, inquiry-based learning approaches.

    Citation: José Luis Díaz Palencia, Yanko Ordónez Ontiveros. A classroom experience about the application of research-based learning for the teaching of probability in engineering[J]. STEM Education, 2024, 4(2): 127-141. doi: 10.3934/steme.2024008

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  • We explored the implementation of a Research-Based Learning (RBL) for the teaching and learning of probability in engineering education. The approach provided a student-centered learning environment, integrating practical activities within an active learning conception. A detailed RBL task in connection with weather forecasting was described, highlighting a methodical 10-day learning process that considers research, practical application, and reflection. The effectiveness of this RBL task was evaluated through thematic analysis of student reflective essays, focusing on their learning experiences and challenges. The analysis revealed enhanced understanding of probability, varied student engagement, and the value of practical learning. It also identified challenges in conceptualizing abstract probability concepts. The findings highlighted the RBL's potential in improving students' conceptual grasp and application of probability in real-world scenarios, providing key insights for future educational strategies in engineering. This study contributes to the broader discourse on innovative teaching methodologies in engineering education, demonstrating the impact of active, inquiry-based learning approaches.


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  • Author's biography Dr. José Luis Díaz is a professor of applied mathematics and didactic of mathematics at the Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA). His research interests are connected with the Anthropological Theory of Didactics and how it can be applied to classes in engineering and applied sciences; Dr. Yanko Ordóñez Ontiveros is a professor of innovation and research in education with an emphasis on physical education and the didactics of physical education at the Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA). His background as an engineer and educator gives him an interdisciplinary profile. His research interests are related to educational innovation and, more particularly, how it can be applied to physical education classes
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