Research article Special Issues

Mechanical programmable design of soft pneumatic actuators with kirigami patterns to generate expanding, bending and twisting motions

  • Received: 19 December 2022 Revised: 28 February 2023 Accepted: 06 March 2023 Published: 27 March 2023
  • This paper presents the influence of cuts inspired by kirigami art on the outer surface of a soft actuator with cylindrical geometry. Both the kirigami pattern and orientation were varied to achieve expanding, bending, and twisting motions. Two symmetric kirigami patterns are presented, i.e., cells and stripes, in a horizontal, vertical, and tilted configurations, respectively. We also present the tensile response of the kirigami sheets by using the finite element method (FEM). Then, we show that the soft actuator expands, bends or twists when kirigami patterns are wrapped around it. All actuators were analyzed by performing FEM simulations to evaluate the effects of kirigami patterns on the actuator performance. Among the obtained variants of the expanding and bending actuators, the striped pattern provided the best performance for both motions. We show how the number of cuts and the relationship between the gaps affect the expanding performance. For the twisting motion, we obtained two variants; we present the influence of the change of the inclination angle for both patterns, i.e., cells and stripes. The actuators that presented the best performance for each motion were built; a manufacturing process using the casting technique is described. The validation of the hardware by computer vision is presented.

    Citation: X. Yamile Sandoval-Castro, Eduardo Castillo-Castaneda, Benigno Munoz-Barron, Maximiano F. Ruiz-Torres. Mechanical programmable design of soft pneumatic actuators with kirigami patterns to generate expanding, bending and twisting motions[J]. STEM Education, 2023, 3(1): 15-27. doi: 10.3934/steme.2023002

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  • Author's biography Dr. Yamile Sandoval-Castro is a professor at CICATA-IPN, México. She is specialized in soft robotics. Her research interests are focused on the development of robots through the use of both soft and hard materials with properties that enhance robotic performance, centering the applications in the professional service robots (inspection, professional cleaning, security, assistance and rehabilitation); Dr. E. Castillo-Castaneda received the degree of Mechanical-Electrical Engineering in 1987 from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In 1994, he obtained his Ph.D. in Automatic Control from Grenoble Institute of Technology, France. He is currently a professor at the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. His current research is related to precision engineering, computer vision, and the design and control of parallel manipulators; Benigno Munoz-Barron is a doctoral student at CICATA Queretaro IPN. He is working on his dissertation on the use of kirigami for the development of soft robots. He received his master's degree from Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro. Now he is working at Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Huichapan in the Mechatronics Department; M. Sc. Maximiano F. Ruiz-Torres is a professor at CICATA-IPN, México, Department of Mechatronics. His current research is focused on mechanism designing and modeling
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