Research article

Urban endoliths: incidental microbial communities occurring inside concrete

  • Received: 05 January 2023 Revised: 18 March 2023 Accepted: 26 March 2023 Published: 30 March 2023
  • Concrete is now a prevalent type of synthetic rock, and its production and usage have major environmental implications. Yet, assessments of ordinary concrete have rarely considered that concrete itself is potential habitat for a globally important microbial guild, the endolithic microbes, which live inside rocks and other mineralized substrates. We sought evidence that many common concrete structures harbor endolithic microbial communities and that these communities vary widely depending on the conditions imposed by the concrete. In Summer 2022, we obtained samples from various concrete structures found throughout Lubbock, Texas, USA and subjected the internal (non-surface) portions of each sample to controlled microbial life detection tests including culture tests, DNA quantifications, DNA amplification tests, and ATP assays. The great preponderance of positive life detection results from our concrete samples suggests that most modern concrete hosts cryptic endolith communities composed of bacteria, sometimes co-occurring with fungi and/or archaea. Moreover, many of these microbes are viable, culturable, and identifiable via genetic analysis. Endolith signatures varied widely across concrete samples; some samples only yielded trace evidence of possibly dormant microbes while other samples contained much more microbial biomass and diversity, on par with some low-biomass soils. Pre-cast masonry units and fragments of poured concrete found underwater generally had the most endolith signatures, suggesting that concrete forms and environmental positioning affect endolithy. Endolith biosignatures were generally greater in less dense and less alkaline concrete samples. So, concrete endolith communities may be as ubiquitous and diverse as the concrete structures they inhabit. We propose further research of concrete endoliths to help clarify the role of modern concrete in our rapidly urbanizing biosphere.

    Citation: Jordan Brown, Corona Chen, Melania Fernández, Deborah Carr. Urban endoliths: incidental microbial communities occurring inside concrete[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2023, 9(2): 277-312. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2023016

    Related Papers:

  • Concrete is now a prevalent type of synthetic rock, and its production and usage have major environmental implications. Yet, assessments of ordinary concrete have rarely considered that concrete itself is potential habitat for a globally important microbial guild, the endolithic microbes, which live inside rocks and other mineralized substrates. We sought evidence that many common concrete structures harbor endolithic microbial communities and that these communities vary widely depending on the conditions imposed by the concrete. In Summer 2022, we obtained samples from various concrete structures found throughout Lubbock, Texas, USA and subjected the internal (non-surface) portions of each sample to controlled microbial life detection tests including culture tests, DNA quantifications, DNA amplification tests, and ATP assays. The great preponderance of positive life detection results from our concrete samples suggests that most modern concrete hosts cryptic endolith communities composed of bacteria, sometimes co-occurring with fungi and/or archaea. Moreover, many of these microbes are viable, culturable, and identifiable via genetic analysis. Endolith signatures varied widely across concrete samples; some samples only yielded trace evidence of possibly dormant microbes while other samples contained much more microbial biomass and diversity, on par with some low-biomass soils. Pre-cast masonry units and fragments of poured concrete found underwater generally had the most endolith signatures, suggesting that concrete forms and environmental positioning affect endolithy. Endolith biosignatures were generally greater in less dense and less alkaline concrete samples. So, concrete endolith communities may be as ubiquitous and diverse as the concrete structures they inhabit. We propose further research of concrete endoliths to help clarify the role of modern concrete in our rapidly urbanizing biosphere.



    This work was supported by the Texas Tech University Grants-in-aid and the Anson L. Clark Scholars Program. We are extremely grateful for Cecil Millikan (who was essential during sample preparation), Bo Zhao (who oversaw the microscopy), Michaela Halsey and Christy Haynes (who supplied equipment and training for ATP analyses), and Zayne James of Terra Testing Inc. (for preparing the strength measurements). We thank Professors Randall Jeter, Caleb Phillips, Nick Smith, and Matt Johnson for long-term conceptual support and facilities access. We also appreciate the lab assistants who helped develop our methods and collected preliminary data (Matt Hernandez, Miriam Bass, Ashleigh Berry, Thomas Bini, Aaron Hernandez, Kallan Zion, Jevea Moore, Kadeem Archer-Idodo, Anissa Garcia, Eniola Obisesan, and Adilene Realivazquez).

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Author contributions

    JB conceived the basic experimental design and study objectives. JB and MF developed the cultivation methods and genetic analyses. JB and CC finalized the remaining methods, collected samples, carried out lab work, analyzed data, and drafted the manuscript. DC supervised the study and provided access to facilities. MF and DC revised the final versions of the manuscript.

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