Research article

Selective enrichment of heterotrophic nitrifiers Alcaligenaceae and Alcanivorax spp. from industrial wastewaters

  • Received: 31 December 2019 Accepted: 06 February 2020 Published: 13 February 2020
  • Removal of nitrogen from wastewaters (WW) represents a global problem. The low nitrification rate during WW treatment is often caused by ecotoxicity. This problem is attributed mostly to the industrial WW. Our study was focused on the testing of industrial WW and activated sludge (AS) with the aim to reveal the abundance of nitrifiers and increase their biomass, thus, providing the additional step, i.e., bioaugmentation, within the technological process of WW treatment. Plating of AS on the selective solidified media designated for the 1st and 2nd nitrification stages, resulted in the shift in bacterial community structure with dominated Alcaligenaceae and Alcanivorax for the 1st stage, and Alcanivorax-for the 2nd stage of nitrification, respectively. Incubation of AS in the presence of real WW and selective nitrification broth resulted in a considerable increase (one or two magnitudes in the presence of the 1st and 2nd stage nitrification broth, respectively) of culturable nitrifiers after 5 days incubation under aerated conditions. The obtained data provide with evidence about a possibility to strengthen the role of heterotrophic nitrifiers in the treatment of industrial WW, where toxicity obstacles inhibited nitrification under conventional conditions.

    Citation: Mārtiņš Kalniņš, Andrejs Bērziņš, Dita Gudrā, Kaspars Megnis, Dāvids Fridmanis, Pavel Danilko, Olga Muter. Selective enrichment of heterotrophic nitrifiers Alcaligenaceae and Alcanivorax spp. from industrial wastewaters[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2020, 6(1): 32-42. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2020002

    Related Papers:

  • Removal of nitrogen from wastewaters (WW) represents a global problem. The low nitrification rate during WW treatment is often caused by ecotoxicity. This problem is attributed mostly to the industrial WW. Our study was focused on the testing of industrial WW and activated sludge (AS) with the aim to reveal the abundance of nitrifiers and increase their biomass, thus, providing the additional step, i.e., bioaugmentation, within the technological process of WW treatment. Plating of AS on the selective solidified media designated for the 1st and 2nd nitrification stages, resulted in the shift in bacterial community structure with dominated Alcaligenaceae and Alcanivorax for the 1st stage, and Alcanivorax-for the 2nd stage of nitrification, respectively. Incubation of AS in the presence of real WW and selective nitrification broth resulted in a considerable increase (one or two magnitudes in the presence of the 1st and 2nd stage nitrification broth, respectively) of culturable nitrifiers after 5 days incubation under aerated conditions. The obtained data provide with evidence about a possibility to strengthen the role of heterotrophic nitrifiers in the treatment of industrial WW, where toxicity obstacles inhibited nitrification under conventional conditions.



    This study was financed by the project “Sustainable use of nature resources in the context of climate changes” (ZD2016/AZ03), as well as by JSC Olaine chemical plant BIOLAR (6012-A55/85).

    Conflict of Interest

    All authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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