Research article Special Issues

Longtime evolution and stationary response of a stochastic tumor-immune system with resting T cells

  • In this paper, we take the resting T cells into account and interpret the progression and regression of tumors by a predator-prey like tumor-immune system. First, we construct an appropriate Lyapunov function to prove the existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution to the system. Then, by utilizing the stochastic comparison theorem, we prove the moment boundedness of tumor cells and two types of T cells. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of stochastic perturbations on the extinction and persistence of tumor cells and obtain the stationary probability density of the tumor cells in the persistent state. The results indicate that when the noise intensity of tumor perturbation is low, tumor cells remain in a persistent state. As this intensity gradually increases, the population of tumors moves towards a lower level, and the stochastic bifurcation phenomena occurs. When it reaches a certain threshold, instead the number of tumor cells eventually enter into an extinct state, and further increasing of the noise intensity will accelerate this process.

    Citation: Bingshuo Wang, Wei Li, Junfeng Zhao, Natasa Trisovic. Longtime evolution and stationary response of a stochastic tumor-immune system with resting T cells[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 2813-2834. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024125

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  • In this paper, we take the resting T cells into account and interpret the progression and regression of tumors by a predator-prey like tumor-immune system. First, we construct an appropriate Lyapunov function to prove the existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution to the system. Then, by utilizing the stochastic comparison theorem, we prove the moment boundedness of tumor cells and two types of T cells. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of stochastic perturbations on the extinction and persistence of tumor cells and obtain the stationary probability density of the tumor cells in the persistent state. The results indicate that when the noise intensity of tumor perturbation is low, tumor cells remain in a persistent state. As this intensity gradually increases, the population of tumors moves towards a lower level, and the stochastic bifurcation phenomena occurs. When it reaches a certain threshold, instead the number of tumor cells eventually enter into an extinct state, and further increasing of the noise intensity will accelerate this process.

    A tumor is a new organism formed by the proliferation of local tissue in the body under the action of various oncogene factors. In recent years, an increasing interest has been focused on the role of the immune system in fighting a tumor growth [1,2,3,4,5,6]. T cells in the immune system are one of the important components in resisting tumor. There are two population of T cells; one is the helper T cells expressed by CD4+T proteins, they cannot kill tumor cells directly, but once they are stimulated by the macrophage or their cognate antigen, they can produce a kind of cytokine such as interleukin -2 (IL-2) and send biochemical signals to a special type of effector cell called cytotoxic T lymphocyte CD8+ T cells [7]. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte cells are the other important population in the immune response, they can eliminate or kill the infected cells by mounting a cytotoxic reaction after they are activated by the helper T cells [8,9]. Therefore, the roles of the helper T cells and the cytotoxic T cells are distinct, they perform the complementary functions to eliminate the tumor.

    It is a key task to identify the components of the cells to understand how the immune system works to overcome the tumor. However, due to the complexity of cell dynamics, most work concentrates on the discussion about the interaction between the tumor cells and the cytotoxic T lymphocytes, but neglects the role played by the helper T cells in tumor elimination. In recent years, some researchers have proposed that the helper T cells are a vital and essential component in tumor-immune response [10,11,12,13], and built a system of ODEs to describe the population in a system consist of the helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells and the tumor cells. The representative work can be found in Refs. [7,14,15,16,17].

    Furthermore, according to the biochemical features of the tumor cells and the immune cells, some models use a prey-predator interaction model. Immune cells are the predators, who attack and destroy the tumor cells. That is, the helper T cells in a resting state interact with antigens to release cytokines and stimulate the cytotoxic T cells. As follows, the cytotoxic T cells in a hunting state attack or destroy the tumor cells. While tumor cells are the prey, which are eliminated or killed by the immune cells. Predator hunting cells and predator resting cells provide a useful model to learn the dynamical behaviors such as equilibration, stable solutions, longtime evolution and so on. In fact, a system with a component of the resting T cells provide insight to learn the tumor growth. For example, Sarkar [18] in 2005 considered a prey-predator like system with hunting and resting cells, and investigated the stability of the positive equilibrium from the analytical and numerical perspective, they obtained a threshold value for the rate of predation of the tumor cells by the hunting cells and discussed the control of malignant tumor growth in deterministic case. In 2014, Kaur [14] analyzed tumor growth progression and regression in a prey-predator system, their analysis indicated that the tumor growth will persist from a recurring state to a dormant state with the increase of the resting cells. In 2018, Dritschel [7] developed a mathematical model to examine the role of the helper T cells in an anti-tumor immune response, their work revealed that the immunoediting depends highly on the infiltration rates of the helper and cytotoxic T cells. In 2023, Dehingia [16] proposed a modified system consisting of tumor cells, resting helper T cells and hunting cytotoxic T cells, he discussed the stability and Hopf bifurcation of this system.

    The works mentioned above regarding the prey-predator like systems considering two kinds of T cells and the tumor cells are mainly investigated in the deterministic condition. However, as is widely recognized, a variety of random factors in the cell environment should be taken into account. That is, the biochemical proliferation of the cells may undergo stochastic variations influenced by factors such as nutrient availability, temperature, radiation, oxygen supply, and gene expression [19,20,21,22,23,24,25]. Therefore, an idealized tumor-immune system should be modeled stochastically.

    In this paper, the novelty of our efforts will focus on the special tumor-immune system including hunting and resting T cells, at the same time, stochastic fluctuations on the proliferation parameters will be explored, in order to understand the impact of the noise on the cells dynamics, as well as give insight on how to eliminate tumors and how to improve cancer treatment.

    Based on the deterministic prey-predator like tumor-immune model in [14], we study a modified model to take the impact of random perturbations on the cell evolution into account, and use standard Brownian motions to characterize it in the tumor-immune model. The cells'dynamics is possible to be changed in the case of stochastic perturbation, so it is necessary to have a relevant research from the point of random variables. On the other hand, there are plenty of valuable results about this model in the deterministic case, we expect to give some new insights by studying a stochastic one. The model is given by a set of differential equations in a form of the follow

    {dT(t)=(α1T(1TK1)β1TH)dt+ξ1TdB1(t),dH(t)=(γHRδ1Hβ2HT)dt+ξ2HdB2(t),dR(t)=(α2R(1RK2)γHRδ2R+kTRT+η)dt+ξ3RdB3(t), (2.1)

    where T(t),H(t) and R(t) are the population of tumor cells, predator hunting T cells and predator resting T cells in the given physiologic space, respectively. α1 and α2 represent the inherent growth rates of tumor cells and resting T cells. K1,K2 indicate the maximum carrying capacity of the environment. β1 and β2 represent the rate at which hunting T cells kill tumor cells and the rate at which tumor cells deplete hunting T cells. δ1 and δ2 indicate the apoptosis rates of hunting T cells and resting T cells. γ represents the activation rate of resting T cells to hunting T cells, k is the proliferation rate of resting T cells, η is the half-saturation coefficient of proliferation term. B1(t),B2(t),B3(t) are mutually independent standard Brownian motions, and ξ1,ξ2,ξ3 represent noise intensity of them.

    Since T(t),H(t),R(t) represent the quantities of tumor cells, hunting T cells, and resting T cells respectively, it is necessary to verify that the solutions of the system (2.1) are non-negative. Therefore, in this section, we begin with the following theorem on the global existence and non-negativity of solutions to the system (2.1).

    Theorem 3.1. For any given initial values (T(0),H(0),R(0))R3+, there exists a global solution (T(t),H(t),R(t)) of system (2.1) such that

    P{(T(t),H(t),R(t))R3+,t0}=1. (3.1)

    Proof. Due to the coefficients of the system (2.1) satisfying the local Lipschitz condition, for a given initial value (T(0),H(0),R(0))R3+, the system has an unique local positive solution (T(t),H(t),R(t)) for t[0,τe) a.s., where τe represents the explosion time. In order to confirm the local solutions to be global ones, it is necessary to prove that τe=.

    Let m01 be sufficiently large such that T(0)[1m0,m0],H(0)[1m0,m0],R(0)[1m0,m0]. For m>m0, we define

    τm=inf{t[0,τe):T(t)(1m,m) or H(t)(1m,m) or R(t)(1m,m)}, (3.2)

    where we set inf=. By the definition of τm we observe that τm increases with m approaching to the infinity and τm<τe, therefore


    Now, we prove that τ= is true almost surely first. Moreover, a proof by contradiction is applied, that is, assume the condition does not hold. If so, There are a constant T10 and another constant ε(0,1) such that


    Thus, there exists an integer m1m0 such that for all mm1, we have

    P{τmT1}ε. (3.3)

    Let us define a Lyapunov function V:Int(R3+)R+:


    Applying Itˆo's formula, we can differentiate the function V


    where L[] is the drift term of the [] derivative. Denote


    then we can rewrite the above expression as:

    L[V(T,H,R)]A+B[(T+1logT)+(H+1logH)+(R+1logR)]=A+BV(T,H,R). (3.4)

    Integrating on both sides from 0 to τmT1 of the inequality (3.4) and then taking the expectation for every terms, we have:


    where IA() represents the indicator function of set A, τmT1=min(τm,T1). Utilizing the Gronwall inequality [26], we can establish the following result:

    EV(T(τmT1),H(τmT1),R(τmT1))(V(T(0),H(0),R(0))+AT1)eBT1. (3.5)

    Let Ωm={ωΩ:τm=τm(ω)T1}:(mm1), based on the Eq (3.3), we have:

    P(Ωm)ε. (3.6)

    Observe that for every ω in the set ωΩm, it holds that at least one of T(τm,ω),H(τm,ω),R(τm,ω) is equal to m or 1m. Therefore,


    Combining Eqs (3.5) and (3.6), we obtain:


    On the other hand,


    Let m, we have Ke2bT<, which implies that τ must be equal to infinity. Considering ττe, we conclude that τe= is indeed equal to infinity.

    Based on the existence of the positive solution for every cell population, this section focuses on the asymptotic estimation of the moments of T(t),H(t), and R(t).

    Definition 1. p-order statistical moments of the solutions to the system (2.1) are bounded. there exists a function r=r(x0,t0) such that when |x0|m, if for any m>0, it holds that

    E|x(t;t0,x0)|pr(x0,t0),  tt0 

    If the function r(x0,t0) mentioned here is independent of t0, then the solution to the system (2.1) is said to have uniformly bounded p-order moments.

    Theorem 3.2. For any p>1, we have

    limtsupETp(t)[α1+(p1)2ξ21α1K1]p, (3.7)
    limtsupERp(t)[A1+(p1)2ξ23α2K2]p. (3.8)

    For any p(0,1+2δ1/ξ22), we can find a positive constant L1 such that

    limtsupEHp(t)L1. (3.9)

    Proof. we are going to prove the moment boundedness of T(t) first. Consider the following auxiliary procedure φ(t)

    {dφ(t)=[α1φ(1φK1)]dt+ξ1φdB1(t),φ(0)=T0>0, (3.10)

    where B1(t) is the standard Brownian motions defined in system (2.1). Using the comparison theorem [27], we can obtain that 0T(t)φ(t) (t0). By applying Itˆo's formula, the drift coefficient in the differential formula of φp(t) can be expressed as

    L[φ(t)p]=pφp1[α1φ(1φK1)]+12p(p1)φp2ξ21φ2=p(α1+(p1)2ξ21)φppα1K1φp1. (3.11)

    Taking expectations on both sides of Eq (3.11) and applying the Holder's inequality [26], we have




    Thus, for any p>1, we have

    limtsupETp(t)[α1+(p1)2ξ21α1K1]p. (3.12)

    Next, we will demonstrate the moment boundedness of R(t). Similarly, consider the following auxiliary process ψ(t)

    {dψ(t)=(α2ψ(t)(1ψK2)δ2ψ+kψ)dt+ξ3ψdB3(t),ψ(0)=R0>0, (3.13)

    where B3(t) is the standard Brownian motions defined in system (2.1). Then, we get 0R(t)ψ(t) for t0. Notice that ψ(t) follows the similar structure as φ(t), so we can obtain:


    where A1=α2+kδ2. Therefore, for any p>1, we have

    limtsupERp(t)[A1+(p1)2ξ23α2K2]p. (3.14)

    Finally, we will establish the moment boundedness of H(t). Consider the following two auxiliary processes, y(t) and z(t)

    {dy(t)=(γy(t)z(t)δ1y(t))dt+ξ2y(t)dB2(t),dz(t)=(α2z(t)(1z(t)K2)γy(t)z(t)δ2z(t)+kz(t))dt+ξ3z(t)dB3(t),y(0)=y0>0,z(0)=z0>0, (3.15)

    where B2(t),B3(t) are mutually independent standard Brownian motions defined in system (2.1). Consider the function V1(t) defined as V1(t)=(y(t)+z(t))q. According to the Itˆo's formula, we get


    The condition q(0,1+2δ1/ξ22) implies δ1q12ξ22>0, then we can find a positive constant κ sufficiently small such that

    δ1q12ξ22κq>0. (3.16)

    Define U(t)=eκt(y(t)+z(t))q, we get




    As δ1q12ξ22κq>0 and α2K2>0, it implies that


    Combining the continuity of q(y+z)(q2)W(y,z), we can find a positive constant L satisfies:



    L[eκt(y+z)q]eκtL. (3.17)

    By integrating both sides of the inequality (3.17) from 0 to t and taking the expectation, we have


    By applying the comparison theorem [27], we have H(t)y(t) and R(t)z(t). Let L1=Lκ such that


    In this section, we will analyze the extinction of the resting T cells R(t) and tumor cells T(t) in system (2.1), and provide numerical examples for verification.

    Theorem 4.1. When δ+ξ24α2k>0, the resting T cells will eventually become extinct, i.e.,

    limtR(t)=0 a.s.

    Here, δ=min{δ1,δ2},ξ2=min{ξ22,ξ23}.

    Proof. We denote Ψ(t)=H(t)+R(t). Taking the logarithm of Ψ(t) and applying Itˆo's formula yields

    dlogΨ(t)={1Ψ[γHRδ1Hβ2HT+α2R(1RK2)γHRδ2R+kTRT+η]ξ22H2+ξ23R22Ψ2}dt+ξ2HΨdB2(t)+ξ3RΨdB3(t){1Ψ(α2R+kRδ1Hδ2R)ξ22H2+ξ23R22Ψ2}dt+ξ2HΨdB2(t)+ξ3R(t)Ψ(t)dB3(t)(α2+kδξ24)dt+ξ2HΨdB2(t)+ξ3RΨdB3(t). (4.1)

    By integrating both sides of the inequality (4.1) from 0 to t and dividing by t, we obtain


    Combining the strong law of large numbers [26], we have

    limt1tt0ξ2H(s)Ψ(s)dB2(t)limtξ2B2(t)t=0 a.s.limt1tt0ξ3R(s)Ψ(s)dB3(t)limtξ3B3(t)t=0 a.s.

    Therefore, if δ+ξ24α2k>0, we can derive

    limtsuplogΨ(t)tα2+kδξ24<0 a.s. (4.2)

    As a result, we conclude that limtΨ(t)=0 a.s.. Combining with the positivity of R(t) and H(t), we have limtR(t)=0 a.s..

    Theorem 4.2. If α112ξ21<0, tumor cells will eventually go extinct, such that

    limtT(t)=0 a.s.

    Proof. By combining the Itˆo' formula, we have

    dlogT(t)=[α1(1TK1)β1H12ξ21]dt+ξ1dB1(t)(α112ξ21)dt+ξ1dB1(t). (4.3)

    Integrating the inequality (4.3) from 0 to t and dividing by t, results in


    As t approaches , by combining the strong law of large numbers [26], we obtain that

    limtξ1B1(t)t=0 a.s. (4.4)

    Therefore, if α112ξ21<0, we can derive

    limsupt1tlogT(t)α112ξ21<0 a.s.

    This implies that

    limtT(t)=0 a.s. (4.5)

    In other words, as t approaches , the tumor cell population T(t) tends to 0.

    Next, we will use the Milstein method [28] to illustrate our main theoretical results. The discretized equations for the system (2.1) are given as follows:

    Tk+1=Tk+(α1Tk(1TkK1)β1TH)TkΔt+ξ1TkΔtW1,k+12ξ21Tk(W21,k1)Δt,Hk+1=Hk+(γHRδ1Hβ2HT)HkΔt+ξ2HkΔtW2,k+12ξ22Hk(W22,k1)Δt,Rk+1=Rk+(α2R(1RK2)γHRδ2R+kTRT+η)RkΔt+ξ3RkΔtW3,k+12ξ23Rk(W23,k1)Δt. (4.6)

    Here, Δt>0 represents the time increment, ξi(i=1,2,3) denotes the noise intensity, and Wi,k(i=1,2,3. k=1,2,...) follows a standard normal distribution. The parameter values are shown in Table 1.

    Table 1.  Biological significance and values of parameters.
    Parameter Biological significance Value Source
    α1 The intrinsic growth rate of tumor cells 0.18/day [29]
    α2 The intrinsic growth rate of resting T cells 0.0245/day [30]
    β1 The ratio of hunting T cells killing tumor cells 1.101×107/cells/day [30]
    β2 The ratio of tumor cells consume hunting T cells 3.422×1010/cells/day [30]
    δ1 The rate of apoptosis of hunting T cells 0.0412/day [30]
    δ2 The rate of apoptosis in resting T cells 0.002/day estimate
    1/K1 The environmental carrying capacity of tumor cells 2×109/cells [29]
    1/K2 The environmental carrying capacity of resting T cells 1×109/cells [30]
    γ The activation rate of resting T cells on hunting T cells 4.2×109/cells/day [30]
    k The proliferation rate of resting T cells 0.1245/day [29]
    η The half-saturation coefficient of proliferation factor 2.019××107cells [29]

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    The initial values for tumor cells, hunting T cells, and resting T cells are given as T(0)=5×109(cells),H(0)=4×106(cells),R(0)=3×108(cells), respectively. First, verify the extinction of resting T cells R(t) with ξ1=2, ξ2=2, ξ3=1. Calculate δ+ξ24α2k=0.103>0. According to Theorem 4.1, resting T cells will eventually go extinct, which is consistent with the results shown in Figure 1. When ξ1=0.8, ξ2=2, ξ3=2, the calculation yields α112ξ21=0.14<0. According to Theorem 4.2, tumor cells T(t) will go extinct. As shown in Figure 2, tumor cells eventually converge to zero.

    Figure 1.  Simulation of extinction of resting T cells R(t) with values of ξ1=2,ξ2=2,ξ3=1.
    Figure 2.  Simulation of extinction of tumor cells T(t) with values of ξ1=0.8,ξ2=2,ξ3=2.

    Next, let's discuss the effect of stochastic perturbation on tumor cell proliferation by fixing ξ2=2,ξ3=2, and varying the noise intensity ξ1 while ensuring the extinction condition for T(t). We take ξ1=0.8,1.5,2 as examples, and the result are shown in Figure 3. From Figure 3, it can be observed that increasing the noise intensity ξ1 accelerates the extinction of tumor cells. This implies that stochastic environmental perturbations suppress the growth of tumor cells.

    Figure 3.  Simulation of extinction of tumor cells T(t) under fixed ξ2=2 and ξ3=2, with different values of ξ1:0.8,1.5 and 2.

    Lemma 1 ([31]). Assuming Z[Ω×[0,+),R+], if there exist positive constants η,t0 and η0 such that

    logZ(t)orηtη0t0Z(s)ds+ni=0σiBi(tt0) (4.7)

    then we have

    limsuptZtηη0orlimsuptZtηη0a.s. (4.8)

    Lemma 2 ([32]). Let T(t),H(t),R(t) be the solution of stochastic system (2.1) initial conditions (T(0),H(0),R(0))

    1) if α112ξ21>0, then

    limtsup1tlogT(t)0a.s. (4.9)

    2) if δ2+12ξ23α2k>0, then

    limtsup1tlogH(t)0a.s. (4.10)

    3) if α2δ2+k12ξ23>0, then

    limtsup1tlogR(t)0a.s. (4.11)

    Proof. Construct the following auxiliary procedures:

    {dT1(t)=(α1T1(1T1K1))dt+ξ1T1dB1(t),dH1(t)=(γH1R1δ1H1)dt+ξ2H1dB2(t),dR1(t)=(α2R1(1R1K2)δ2R1+kR1)dt+ξ3R1dB3(t), (4.12)

    where B1(t),B2(t),B3(t) are mutually independent standard Brownian motions defined in system (2.1). The comparison theorem [27] leads to 0T(t)T1(t),0H(t)H1(t),0R(t)R1(t). Using the Itˆo's formula to logT1(t),logH1(t), and logR1(t), then integrating both sides from 0 to t, we get


    For convenience to write, we define the notation x(t)=1tt0x(s)ds. Then, we can obtain

    logT1(t)logT1(0)t=(α112ξ21)α1K1T1(t)+ξ1B1(t)t,logH1(t)logH1(0)t=(δ112ξ22)+γR1(t)+ξ2B2(t)t,logR1(t)logR1(0)t=(α2δ2+k12ξ23)α2K2R1(t)+ξ3B3(t)t. (4.13)

    According to the strong law of large numbers [26], we get

    limtξ1B1(t)t=0 a.s. limtξ2B2(t)t=0 a.s. limtξ3B3(t)t=0 a.s. (4.14)

    For sufficiently small ε>0, when α112ξ21>0, according to Lemma 1, it can be deduced that


    which implies that

    T1(t)=(α112ξ21)α1K1. (4.15)

    substituting Eq (4.15) into Eq (4.13) and combining with the Eq (4.14), it yields

    limt1tlogT1(t)0a.s. (4.16)

    Similarly, when δ+14ξ2α2k>0, Lemma 1 allows us to deduce

    R1(t)=(α2δ2+k12ξ23)α2K2. (4.17)

    substituting Eq (4.17) into Eq (4.13) and combining with Eq (4.14), it yields

    limt1tlogR1(t)0a.s. (4.18)

    Using the same method as in Theorem 4.2, the condition δ2+12ξ23α2k>0 leads to limtR1(t)=0, then we get

    limtR1(t)=0 a.s. (4.19)

    substituting Eq (4.19) into Eq (4.13) and combining with Eq (4.14), it yields

    limt1tlogH1(t)0a.s. (4.20)

    According to formula Eqs (4.16), (4.18), (4.20) and using the comparison theorem [26], we get

    limt1tlogT(t)0 a.s. limt1tlogH(t)0 a.s. limt1tlogR(t)0 a.s. (4.21)

    Theorem 4.3. When α112ξ21>0 and δξ24α2k>0, the tumor cell population T(t) is weakly persistently bounded, with limsuptT(t)>0. Moreover, it can be deduced that suptT(t)K1(α112ξ21)α1.

    Proof. According to the Itˆo's differential rule, we have

    dlogT(t)=[α1(1TK1)β1H12ξ21]dt+ξ1dB1(t). (4.22)

    By integrating both sides from 0 to t and dividing by t, and taking the upper limit, we obtain


    Applying Lemma 2, we have

    α1K1limsuptT(t)(α112ξ21)β1limsuptH(t)+limt1tt0ξ1dB1(t). (4.23)

    By using the strong law of large numbers [26], we get limt1tt0ξ1dB1(t)=0 a.s., and when δξ24α2k>0, we have limtH(t)=0. Thus, limsuptH(t)=0 a.s.. Substituting it into Eq (4.23), we obtain

    α1K1limsuptT(t)(α112ξ21)>0 a.s. (4.24)

    Therefore, limsuptT(t)>0, which further indicates that the tumor cell population T is weakly persistent. In addition,


    Applying Lemma 1, when α112ξ21>0, we have

    limsuptT(t)K1(α112ξ21)α1 a.s. (4.25)

    We verify the weak persistence of the tumor cell population below. With noise intensities set to ξ1=0.3,ξ2=2,ξ3=2, we calculate that

    α112ξ21=0.135>0andδ+ξ24α2k=0.853>0 (4.26)

    In accordance with Theorem 4.3, we conclude that T(t) is weakly persistently average. As illustrated in Figure 4, the tumor cell population persists at a low level.

    Figure 4.  Simulation of the persistence of tumor cells T(t) with values of ξ1=0.3, ξ2=2, ξ3=2.

    In order to further investigate the dynamical behavior of tumor cells in the persistent state, we control ξ1 by selecting ξ1=0.1,0.3,0.5 respectively to indicate the persistent state of tumor cells under different environmental noise.

    From Figure 5, it can be observed that as the intensity of noise increases, the fluctuation in the number of tumor cells becomes more pronounced, and the center of oscillation gradually shifts downwards. When ξ1=0.1, the number of tumor cells fluctuates around 4.8×108, mainly within the range of [3×108,7×108]. For ξ1=0.3, the number of tumor cells is concentrated within the range of [1×108,1×109] with the increase of fluctuation range and the decrease in the probability peak value. When ξ1 is further increases to 0.5, the number of tumor cells start to fluctuate around zero, which indicating weaker persistence.

    Figure 5.  Simulation of the persistence of tumor cells T(t) with values of ξ1=0.1,0.3,0.5,ξ2=2,ξ3=2.

    Figure 6(a)(c) depicts the distribution of persistent states of tumor cells under different noise intensity. We combine the populations of hunting T cells and resting T cells to obtain the two-dimensional stationary probability distribution of tumor cells and two types of T cells. It can be observed that the number of two types of T cells is primarily concentrated at position 0. In order to obtain the probability distribution function of tumor cells, we simplify system (2.1) by assuming H(t)=R(t)=0. Thus, system (2.1) degenerates into system (4.27).

    d˜T(t)=(α1˜T(1˜TK1))dt+ξ1˜TdB1(t). (4.27)

    By solving the Fokker-Planck equation of Eq (4.27), we obtain an analytical expression for the stationary probability density.

    p(˜T)=N˜T2αξ212e2αK1ξ21˜T. (4.28)

    Here, N is the normalization coefficient. Then we validate the accuracy of the analytical expression for the probability density by utilizing the Milstein simulation method [28] to sample. By taking ξ1=0.1,0.3,0.5 and using a time step of Δt=0.01, we sample N=1×107 sample points, respectively, and obtain the quantities of tumor cells under different noise intensity.

    Figure 6.  Stationary probability distributions of tumor cells and two types of T cells (a) Simulation of stationary probability distributions of tumor cells and two types of T cells with values of ξ1=0.1,ξ2=2,ξ3=2. (b)Simulation of stationary probability distributions of tumor cells and two types of T cells with values of ξ1=0.3,ξ2=2,ξ3=2. (c)Simulation of stationary probability distributions of tumor cells and two types of T cells with values of ξ1=0.5,ξ2=2,ξ3=2.

    The histogram in Figure 7(a)(c) represents the distribution of the number of sample points under different noise intensity, and the curve fitted on the histogram edges represents the probability distribution function based on Eq (4.28). It can be observed from Figure 7 that the function fits the distribution of sample points perfectly. By approximating the frequencies of tumor cells at different quantities in Figure 7 as probabilities, an accurate expression for p(x) is obtained by substituting it into Eq (4.28). Figure 8 illustrates the steady-state probability distributions of tumor cells under different noise intensities. It can be observed that when the noise intensity is low, the probability density distribution exhibits a unimodal shape, indicating that the tumor maintains stable growth within a certain quantity range. As the noise intensity increases, the tumor cell population moves towards lower levels, and the peak value of the probability decreases, indicating that the increased noise intensity effectively suppresses the expansion of the tumor population. When ξ1 continues to increase beyond a certain threshold, the probability density function transitions from a unimodal shape to a decreasing shape, and the tumor population concentrates around zero, indicating that tumor growth is significantly restricted, with lower invasiveness and metastatic potential.

    Figure 7.  Steady-state probability density of tumor cells (a) Simulation with values of ξ1=0.1,ξ2=2,ξ3=2. (b) Simulation with values of ξ1=0.3,ξ2=2,ξ3=2. (c) Simulation with values of ξ1=0.5,ξ2=2,ξ3=2.
    Figure 8.  Stationary probability density function of tumor cells with values of ξ1=0.1,0.3,0.5,ξ2=2,ξ3=2.

    We investigate the dynamic behavior and stationary response of tumor cells in a predator-prey like system with resting T cells. First, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global positive solutions for the stochastic system which guarantees the biological significance of the system model. Second, we establish the boundedness of moments for T(t),H(t) and R(t) by constructing appropriate auxiliary equations. Finally, we provide sufficient conditions for the extinction of resting T cells, as well as the threshold for persistence and extinction of tumor cells and validate the results through numerical simulations. When ξ1 is small, the tumor remains in a persistent state. From Figure 6, it can be seen that in the persistent state, the quantities of two types of T cells tend to cluster around zero. By simplifying the system (2.1) through the assumption H(t)+R(t)=0, we obtain the system (4.27) and derive an analytical expression for the stationary probability density of the tumor. The stochastic perturbations in the environment play a crucial role in eliminating tumor cells, increasing the noise intensity in the persistent state leads to stochastic bifurcation, and the stationary probability density of tumors transitions from unimodal to decreasing. When the noise intensity reaches a certain threshold, tumor cells eventually transition from a persistent state to an extinct state, and further increasing the noise intensity accelerates tumor extinction.

    In fact, due to the influence of factors such as radiation and viruses, parameters in the tumor immune system may undergo mutations. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the parameter changes and corresponding responses of the tumor immune system in different environments. The further efforts can be made to study the dynamic behavior of tumor immune system under stochastic switching.

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