Graph convolutional networks (GCN) have been widely utilized in Alzheimer's disease (AD) classification research due to its ability to automatically learn robust and powerful feature representations. Inter-patient relationships are effectively captured by constructing patients magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data as graph data, where nodes represent individuals and edges denote the relationships between them. However, the performance of GCNs might be constrained by the construction of the graph adjacency matrix, thereby leading to learned features potentially overlooking intrinsic correlations among patients, which ultimately causes inaccurate disease classifications. To address this issue, we propose an Alzheimer's disease Classification network based on MRI utilizing diffusion maps for multi-scale feature fusion in graph convolution. This method aims to tackle the problem of features neglecting intrinsic relationships among patients while integrating features from diffusion mapping with different neighbor counts to better represent patients and achieve an accurate AD classification. Initially, the diffusion maps method conducts diffusion information in the feature space, thus breaking free from the constraints of diffusion based on the adjacency matrix. Subsequently, the diffusion features with different neighbor counts are merged, and a self-attention mechanism is employed to adaptively adjust the weights of diffusion features at different scales, thereby comprehensively and accurately capturing patient characteristics. Finally, metric learning techniques enhance the similarity of node features within the same category in the graph structure and bring node features of different categories more distant from each other. This study aims to enhance the classification accuracy of AD, by providing an effective tool for early diagnosis and intervention. It offers valuable information for clinical decisions and personalized treatment. Experimentation on the publicly accessible Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) dataset validated our method's competitive performance across various AD-related classification tasks. Compared to existing methodologies, our approach captures patient characteristics more effectively and demonstrates superior generalization capabilities.
Citation: Zhi Yang, Kang Li, Haitao Gan, Zhongwei Huang, Ming Shi, Ran Zhou. An Alzheimer's Disease classification network based on MRI utilizing diffusion maps for multi-scale feature fusion in graph convolution[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(1): 1554-1572. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024067
Graph convolutional networks (GCN) have been widely utilized in Alzheimer's disease (AD) classification research due to its ability to automatically learn robust and powerful feature representations. Inter-patient relationships are effectively captured by constructing patients magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data as graph data, where nodes represent individuals and edges denote the relationships between them. However, the performance of GCNs might be constrained by the construction of the graph adjacency matrix, thereby leading to learned features potentially overlooking intrinsic correlations among patients, which ultimately causes inaccurate disease classifications. To address this issue, we propose an Alzheimer's disease Classification network based on MRI utilizing diffusion maps for multi-scale feature fusion in graph convolution. This method aims to tackle the problem of features neglecting intrinsic relationships among patients while integrating features from diffusion mapping with different neighbor counts to better represent patients and achieve an accurate AD classification. Initially, the diffusion maps method conducts diffusion information in the feature space, thus breaking free from the constraints of diffusion based on the adjacency matrix. Subsequently, the diffusion features with different neighbor counts are merged, and a self-attention mechanism is employed to adaptively adjust the weights of diffusion features at different scales, thereby comprehensively and accurately capturing patient characteristics. Finally, metric learning techniques enhance the similarity of node features within the same category in the graph structure and bring node features of different categories more distant from each other. This study aims to enhance the classification accuracy of AD, by providing an effective tool for early diagnosis and intervention. It offers valuable information for clinical decisions and personalized treatment. Experimentation on the publicly accessible Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) dataset validated our method's competitive performance across various AD-related classification tasks. Compared to existing methodologies, our approach captures patient characteristics more effectively and demonstrates superior generalization capabilities.
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