In the paper, we propose the modified generalized neo-fuzzy system. It is designed to solve the pattern-image recognition task by working with data that are fed to the system in the image form. The neo-fuzzy system can work with small training datasets, where classes can overlap in a features space. The core of the system under consideration is a modification of multidimensional generalized neuro-fuzzy neuron with an additional softmax activation function in the output layer instead of the defuzzification layer and quartic-kernel functions as membership ones. The learning procedure of the system combined cross-entropy criterion optimization using a matrix version of the optimal by speed Kaczmarz-Widrow-Hoff algorithm with the additional filtering (smoothing) properties. In comparison to the well-known systems, the modified neo-fuzzy one provides both numerical and computational implementation simplicity. The computational experiments have proved the effectiveness of the modified generalized neo-fuzzy-neuron, including the situation with shot training datasets.
Citation: Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Olha Chala, Natalia Kasatkina, Iryna Pliss. Modified generalized neo-fuzzy system with combined online fast learning in medical diagnostic task for situations of information deficit[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(8): 8003-8018. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022374
In the paper, we propose the modified generalized neo-fuzzy system. It is designed to solve the pattern-image recognition task by working with data that are fed to the system in the image form. The neo-fuzzy system can work with small training datasets, where classes can overlap in a features space. The core of the system under consideration is a modification of multidimensional generalized neuro-fuzzy neuron with an additional softmax activation function in the output layer instead of the defuzzification layer and quartic-kernel functions as membership ones. The learning procedure of the system combined cross-entropy criterion optimization using a matrix version of the optimal by speed Kaczmarz-Widrow-Hoff algorithm with the additional filtering (smoothing) properties. In comparison to the well-known systems, the modified neo-fuzzy one provides both numerical and computational implementation simplicity. The computational experiments have proved the effectiveness of the modified generalized neo-fuzzy-neuron, including the situation with shot training datasets.
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