Research article Special Issues

DeepCyto: a hybrid framework for cervical cancer classification by using deep feature fusion of cytology images

  • Received: 31 January 2022 Revised: 21 March 2022 Accepted: 05 April 2022 Published: 24 April 2022
  • Cervical cancer is the second most commonly seen cancer in women. It affects the cervix portion of the vagina. The most preferred diagnostic test required for screening cervical cancer is the pap smear test. Pap smear is a time-consuming test as it requires detailed analysis by expert cytologists. Cytologists can screen around 100 to 1000 slides depending upon the availability of advanced equipment. Due to this reason Artificial intelligence (AI) based computer-aided diagnosis system for the classification of pap smear images is needed. There are some AI-based solutions proposed in the literature, still an effective and accurate system is under research. In this paper, the deep learning-based hybrid methodology namely DeepCyto is proposed for the classification of pap smear cytology images. The DeepCyto extracts the feature fusion vectors from pre-trained models and passes these to two workflows. Workflow-1 applies principal component analysis and machine learning ensemble to classify the pap smear images. Workflow-2 takes feature fusion vectors as an input and applies an artificial neural network for classification. The experiments are performed on three benchmark datasets namely Herlev, SipakMed, and LBCs. The performance measures of accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the DeepCyto. The experimental results depict that Workflow-2 has given the best performance on all three datasets even with a smaller number of epochs. Also, the performance of the DeepCyto Workflow 2 on multi-cell images of LBCs is better compared to single cell images of other datasets. Thus, DeepCyto is an efficient method for accurate feature extraction as well as pap smear image classification.

    Citation: Swati Shinde, Madhura Kalbhor, Pankaj Wajire. DeepCyto: a hybrid framework for cervical cancer classification by using deep feature fusion of cytology images[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(7): 6415-6434. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022301

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  • Cervical cancer is the second most commonly seen cancer in women. It affects the cervix portion of the vagina. The most preferred diagnostic test required for screening cervical cancer is the pap smear test. Pap smear is a time-consuming test as it requires detailed analysis by expert cytologists. Cytologists can screen around 100 to 1000 slides depending upon the availability of advanced equipment. Due to this reason Artificial intelligence (AI) based computer-aided diagnosis system for the classification of pap smear images is needed. There are some AI-based solutions proposed in the literature, still an effective and accurate system is under research. In this paper, the deep learning-based hybrid methodology namely DeepCyto is proposed for the classification of pap smear cytology images. The DeepCyto extracts the feature fusion vectors from pre-trained models and passes these to two workflows. Workflow-1 applies principal component analysis and machine learning ensemble to classify the pap smear images. Workflow-2 takes feature fusion vectors as an input and applies an artificial neural network for classification. The experiments are performed on three benchmark datasets namely Herlev, SipakMed, and LBCs. The performance measures of accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the DeepCyto. The experimental results depict that Workflow-2 has given the best performance on all three datasets even with a smaller number of epochs. Also, the performance of the DeepCyto Workflow 2 on multi-cell images of LBCs is better compared to single cell images of other datasets. Thus, DeepCyto is an efficient method for accurate feature extraction as well as pap smear image classification.


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