Citation: Eduardo Ibargüen-Mondragón, Lourdes Esteva, Edith Mariela Burbano-Rosero. Mathematical model for the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the granuloma[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2018, 15(2): 407-428. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2018018
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Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease whose etiological agent is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), in 2015 was one of top 10 causes of death worldwide and it is the second leading cause of death due to communicable diseases, preceded only by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). From 2014 to 2015 the rate of decline in TB incidence was
In 2015, there were an estimated 10.4 million new (incident) TB cases worldwide, 1.4 million TB deaths and an additional 0.4 million deaths resulting from TB disease among people living with HIV. Without treatment, the death rate from TB is high. Studies of the natural history of TB disease in the absence of treatment with anti-TB drugs (that were conducted before drug treatments became available) found that about
Most of the infected individuals with Mtb are capable to control the infection and remain in a latent stage in which they cannot transmit the disease. It is estimated that about one third of the world population has latent TB, and around 10
The Mtb bacteria may affect different tissues of the organism, but the most common form of the disease is pulmonary TB. In the lung, Mtb is restricted to discrete sites of infection called granulomas which are well-organized, dynamical structures formed at the site of the bacteria and mediated by specific immune responses during the infection process. The granuloma formation process starts shortly after infection, when the inhaled Mtb is ingested and transported across the alveolar epithelium into the lung tissue and adjacent lymph nodes.
A granuloma is composed of immune cells at various stages of differentiation with the infected macrophages forming the centre of the cellular accumulation. The recruited T cells secrete cytokines that activate infected cells to control their mycobacterial load and activate cytotoxic T cells. The cellular composition of TB granulomatous lesions includes blood-derived infected and uninfected macrophages, foamy macrophages, epithelioid cells (uniquely differentiated macrophages), and multinucleated giant cells (Langerhans cells), B and T lymphocytes, and fibroblasts [10,25,26].
A characteristic of the granulomas is the formation of caseous centre containing necrotic tissue, cell debris and killed mycobacteria. Bacteria are found within macrophages (intracellular bacteria) and within the zone between the necrotic centre and the cellular wall of the granuloma (extracellular bacteria) [7].
The value of an experimental model of mycobacterial persistence has at least two-fold: to uncover fundamental processes associated with clinical latency, and to guide new interventions, diagnostics, antibiotics, and vaccines, to detect, manage, and prevent disease [3,32]. Unfortunately, despite extensive studies on the interactions between Mtb and macrophages, and the granuloma formation, the mechanisms by which pathogen evades anti-microbial responses and establishes persistence within the host cell is not well understood [10].
Numerous theoretical studies have been done to understand the information available on Mtb infection, both from the point of view epidemiological as immune. To this respect, diverse mathematical models have been proposed to assess the impact on the infection progression of factors like Mtb population dynamics, immune system, treatment, and bacterial resistance. See for example [1,2,4,5,6,8,18,35,22,21,24,29,30].
In particular, in this work we propose a model to evaluate the impact of Mtb growth on the outcome of infection. For this end, we formulate a model that takes into account two ways of bacterial growth, the first one results of the average number of bacteria produced in the interior of an infected macrophage, and the other of logistic type that takes into account the competition to infect a macrophage between the outer bacteria. This model is a continuation of previous studies given in [13,14,15,16], and its content is organized in the following way: in the second section we formulate the mathematical model. In the third and fourth sections we do the qualitative analysis of the model. Finally, in the fifth, sixth and seventh sections we present the sensitivity analysis, numerical results and the discussion.
Following [13], we denote by
We assume that non infected macrophages are recruited at a constant rate
dˉMUdt=ΛU−μUˉMU−ˉβˉBˉMU. | (1) |
Infected macrophages grow at a rate
dˉMIdt=ˉβˉBˉMU−ˉαTˉMIˉT−μIˉMI | (2) |
Mtb population grows inside of an infected macrophage up to a limit where the macrophage dies and releases bacteria. Accordingly to this, we assume that growth rate of Mtb inside macrophages is given by
dˉBdt=ˉrμIˉMI+ν(1−ˉBK)ˉB−ˉγUˉMUˉB−μBˉB | (3) |
dˉTdt=ˉkI(1−ˉTTmax)ˉMI−μTˉT. | (4) |
Figure 1 shows the flow diagram of macrophages, T cells and bacteria described in the differential equations (1)-(4). In order to reduce the number of parameters we introduce the following change of variables:
MU=ˉMUΛU/μU,MI=ˉMIΛU/μU,B=ˉBK,T=ˉTTmax. | (5) |
Replacing the new variables the system (1)-(4) becomes
dBdt=rMI+ν(1−B)B−γUMUB−μBBdTdt=kI(1−T)MI−μTT, | (6) |
αT=ˉαTTmax,β=ˉβK,γU=ˉγUΛUμU,r=ˉrKμIΛUμU,kI=ˉkIΛUμU. | (7) |
It is a simple matter to verify that system (6) satisfies the existence and uniqueness conditions. Moreover, the region of biological interest is given by
Ω={(MUMIBT)∈R4:0≤MU,MI≤1,0≤MU+MI≤1,0≤B≤BM,0≤T≤Tc}, | (8) |
The following lemma establishes that system (6) is well posed in the sense that solutions with initial conditions in
Lemma 2.1. The set
The proof is similar to the one given in Lemma 1 of [14].
The equilibria of system (6) are given by the solutions of the following algebraic system
μU−μUMU−βBMU=0βBMU−αTMIT−μIMI=0rMI+ν(1−B)B−γUMUB−μBB=0kI(1−T)MI−μTT=0. | (9) |
It is clear that
MU=μUμU+βBandT=kIMIkIMI+μT. | (10) |
MI=βBμU(μU+βB)(αTT+μI), | (11) |
which is equivalent to
MI=(βBμU+βB)(μIαTT+μI)μUμI. |
We observe that
MI=βBμU(kIMI+μT)(μU+βB)[(αT+μI)kIMI+μIμT]. | (12) |
From (12) we obtain the following quadratic equation
M2I+b(B)MI−c(B)=0, | (13) |
b(B)=μIμT(αT+μI)kI−βBμU(αT+μI)(μU+βB)c(B)=μTβBμUkI(αT+μI)(μU+βB). | (14) |
MI=ˉg1(B)=−b(B)+√[b(B)]2+4c(B)2. | (15) |
Now, replacing
MI=[βνB2+(μUν−βν+βμB)B+μU(γU+μB)(1−R0)]Br(μU+βB), | (16) |
R0=νγU+μB. | (17) |
Equation (16) can be written as
MI=ˉg2(B)=βν[B2+γUν(σ−σc)B+μU(βR0)−1(1−R0)]Br(μU+βB), | (18) |
σ=νμUγUβandσc=ν−μBγU. | (19) |
Let us observe that
g1(B)=r(μU+βB)ˉg1(B)g2(B)=[βνB2+(μUν−βν+βμB)B+μU(γU+μB)(1−R0)]B. | (20) |
From (20) we obtain that
Proposition 1. The functions
The roots of the cubic polynomial
B±=−γUν(σ−σc)±√[γUν(σ−σc)]2−4μUR−10(1−R0)β2. | (21) |
Furthermore, we see that the derivatives of
g′1(B)=rβg1(B)+r(μU+βB)2[−b′(B)+b(B)b′(B)+2c′(B)√[b(B)]2+4c(B)]g′2(B)=βν[3B2+2γUν(σ−σc)B+μUβR−10(1−R0)]. | (22) |
From (22) we obtain
g′1(0)=rμUc′(0)b(0)=rμUβμIg′2(0)=νμU(1R0−1). | (23) |
Observe that
g′1(0)−g′2(0)=μU(γU+μB)(R0+R1−1), |
R1=rβμI(γU+μB). | (24) |
In order to have a biological interpretation of the existence results for the bacteria-present equilibria in terms of dimensionless variables, in addition to
RB=νμB, Rβ=βμI, RγU=γUμB. | (25) |
In terms of the above parameters,
σ=μUμIRBRβRγU,andσc=RB−1RγU. | (26) |
Furthermore, when
ρ=μUμIRBRB−1. |
To analyze the existence of bacteria-present equilibria, we consider two cases,
Proposition 2. If
Proof. Assume first
B±=−γUν(σ−σc)±|γUν(σ−σc)|2. |
Then, for
In the case
Proposition 3. Assume
Proof. The assumptions of the proposition are equivalent to
In the following we will assume
[γUν(σ−σc)]2−4μUR−10(1−R0)β≥0, |
or equivalently,
R∗0=11+β4μU[γUν(σ−σc)]2. |
Proposition 4. Assume
1. If
2. If
3. If
Now, if
Proposition 5. Assume
1. If
2. If
3. If
4. If
5. If
In this section we will give a biological interpretation of the parameters
In the formulation of the model is not consider the explicit distinction between internal and external bacteria. However, for the purposes of interpretation we will denote interior (exterior) bacteria the ones in the interior (exterior) of the infected macrophages. In this sense, the product between the average number of bacteria produced by an infected macrophage,
RB=νμB | (27) |
represents the average number of bacteria generated by an exterior Mtb.
On the other hand, in a healthy organism, the population of uninfected macrophages is given by
RγU=γUμB=ˉγUΛUμUμB, | (28) |
represents the average number of invasive bacteria eliminated during their lifetime. Therefore, this number is a measure of the effectiveness of macrophages in controlling bacteria.
Now, once infected, a macrophage on average generates
Rβ=ˉβKμI=βμI, | (29) |
is named the Basic Reproductive Number of the infection since it represents the average number of infected macrophages derived from one infected macrophage when bacteria is introduced for the first time into the organism.
We notice that the parameter
R0=νγU+μB=F(γU)RB, | (30) |
F(γU)=μBγU+μB=1−γUγU+μB. | (31) |
Finally, we see that
R1=rβμI(γU+μB)=ˉrˉβKγU+μBΛUμU, |
can be interpreted as the bacteria produced by the fraction of internal bacteria that survive to the control of the population of infected macrophages at equilibrium.
In this section we analyze conditions for stability of the equilibrium points. For this, we calculate the eigenvalues relative to the Jacobian of system (6) evaluated at the equilibrium points, given by
J(MUMIBT)=(−(μU+βB)0−βMU0βB−(αTT+μI)βMU−αTMI−γUBra00(1−T)kI0−(kIMI+μT)), | (32) |
a=ν(1−2BK)−γUMU−μB. | (33) |
For the infection free equilibrium
J(P0)=(−μU0−β00−μIβ00rν−(γU+μB)00kI0−μT). | (34) |
Simple calculations show that the eigenvalues are given by
λ2+[μI+γU+μB−ν]]λ+μI(γU+μB)[1−(R0+R1)]=0 |
or equivalently
λ2+[μI+(γU+μB)(1−R0)]]λ+μI(γU+μB)[1−(R0+R1)]=0. | (35) |
From Routh-Hurwitz criterion we conclude that all the eigenvalues of the equation (35) have negative real part if and only if
Proposition 6. The infection free equilibrium
Now, we analyze the stability of bacteria-present equilibria which reflects the infection persistence. From the equations at equilibrium (9) we get the following equalities
μUMU=μU+βBβBMUMI=αTT+μIν(1−2B)−γUMU−μB=−(rMIB+νB)kIMIT=kIMI+μT. | (36) |
Replacing (36) in (34) we obtain
J(Pi)=(−μUMU0−βMU0βB−βBMUMIβMU−αTMI−γUBr−(rMIB+νB)00(1−T)kI0−kIMIT). | (37) |
To get the conditions for negative eigenvalues of
p1(λ)=(λ+μUMU)(λ+βBMUMI)(λ+rMIB+νB)(λ+kIMIT)+rβMU(λ+kIMIT)[βB−(λ+μUMU)]+βMUαTMI(1−T)kI(λ+rMIB+νB)(λ+μUMU)−βMUγUB[(λ+βBMUMI)(λ+kIMIT)+αTMI(1−T)kI]=λ4+s1λ3+s2λ2+s3λ+s4, | (38) |
The coefficient
s2=βBMUMI(μUMU+νB+kIMIT)+kIMIT(μUMU+rMIB+νB)+μUMUrMIB+βMUαTMI(1−T)kI+βγUBMU(σ−M2U)s3=(βBMUMI+kIMIT)βγUBMU(σ−M2U)+rβMUβB+rMIB(μUMUkIMIT+βBαTMI(1−T)kI)+[βBMUMIkIMIT+βBαTMI(1−T)kI](μUMU+νB)s4=[βBMUMIkIMIT+αTkIMI(1−T)]βγUBMU(σ−M2U)+αTMI(1−T)kIμUMUrMIB+rβMUβBkIMIT, | (40) |
s4>0D1=s1>0D2=s1s2−s3>0D3=(s1s2−s3)s3−s21s4>0. | (41) |
See [9], in order to determine the conditions for which the previous inequalities are satisfied; we define the following constants:
A=μUMU, N=βBMUMI, C=rMIB, D=νB,E=kIMIT,F=βBαTkIMI(1−T),ˉF=αTkIMI(1−T),G=rβMUβBX(MU)=AD−βMUγUB=βγUBMU(σ−M2U). | (42) |
s1=A+N+C+D+Es2=N(A+D+E)+E(A+C+D)+AC+F+X(MU)s3=(N+E)X(MU)+G+C(AE+F)+(NE+F)(A+D)s4=(NE+ˉF)X(MU)+ˉFAC+GE | (43) |
Furthermore, after some simplifications,
D2=(N+E)[(A+D)2+C(C+D)+(N+E)(A+C+D)+AC+F]+(A+D)[C(A+E)+X(MU)]+C[AC+X(MU)]D3=r0+r1(EN−ˉF)+r2(ANC−G)+r3(ADEN−ˉFX(MU))+AN2(DEN−CˉF)+(AC+2AN)(D2EN−C2ˉF)+GN(AD−X(MU)), | (44) |
r0=172∑n=1anAα1Nα2Cα3Dα4Eα5Fα6ˉFα7Gα8[X(MU)]α9r1=[(A+D)2+AC+2CD](AC+X(MU))+AC(AC+2AE+2CD+2DE+E2+2AN+2DN+EN)r2=s1E2+(AC+AN+DN+X(MU))E+(A+C+D)F+Gr3=(2A+2C+2D+E+N)E+(2A+2C+D+N), |
The following theorem summarizes the stability results of the unique bacteria-present equilibrium when
Theorem 4.1. If
Proof. The existence of a unique bacteria-present equilibrium under the hypothesis of the theorem is proved in Proposition 2. It can easily verify that the Routh-Hurwitz conditions for the coefficients given in (43) are satisfied if
Indeed, if
σ=ν−μBγU>γUγU=1, |
which implies
In the following we will assume
Theorem 4.2. Assume
a) if
the bacteria-present equilibrium
Proof. As in the above theorem it is enough to show that
D−C=ν−γUMU−μB=γU(σc−MU). |
The stability of
In the following we assume
Theorem 4.3.1 Assume
Ⅰ. If
a. if
b. if
Ⅱ. If
a. if
b. if
Proof. We will prove the stability properties in the cases where there are three equilibria finding intervals in the
MU=f1(B)=μUμU+βB |
is continuous and strictly decreasing function of
˜B=μUβ(1√σ−1), |
is the unique value of
g2(˜B)=βν{[μUβ(1√σ−1)]2+γUν(σ−σc)μUβ(1√σ−1)+μUνβ(γU+μB−ν)}˜B | (45) |
After some simplifications (45) becomes
g2(˜B)=2μUγU√σ(√σ−σ+σc2)˜B. | (46) |
We observe that for
The results of model (6) depend of several parameters, hence it is expected that uncertainities arise in the numerical estimates of those parameters which affect the model results. In this section we are interesting to perform global sensitivity analysis of the parameters related to the bacterial growth, infection rate, and elimination by macrophages (
Parameter | Description | Value | Reference |
growth rate of unfected Mtb | 600 -1000 day |
[19,23,30] | |
infection rate of Mtb | [13,30] | ||
elim. rate of infected Mtb by T cell | [13,30] | ||
nat. death rate of |
0028-0.0033 day |
[22,30] | |
nat. death rate of |
0.011 day |
[22,35,30] | |
growth rate of Mtb | 0.36 -0.52 day |
[12,20,38] | |
natural death rate of Mtb | 0.31 -0.52 day |
[39,30] | |
elim. rate of Mtb by |
[30] | ||
carrying cap. of Mtb in the gran. | [7] | ||
growth rate of T cells | [11] | ||
maximum recruitment of T cells | 5.000 day |
[11] | |
natural death rate of T cells | 0.33 day |
[35,30] | |
Average Mtb released by one |
0.05-0.2 day |
[30,35] |
We sampled the space of the input values using LHS with a uniform probability distribution. In LHS, each parameter probability distribution is divided into
Figure 3 shows the standard regression coefficients (SCR) for
Next, we quantify the impact of the variations or sensitivity of the parameters
In this section we present numerical simulations of system (6). It is important to make clear that the parameters variability depends of the immunological conditions of each patient. However, we will present some estimations based in a bibliographic revision.
In the following we verify numerically the existence of three equilibria for conditions according to the results given in last sections. Taking the parameters
Therefore, the equilibrium solutions are
P1=(0.82980.18470.00810.2028),P2=(0.45750.360.07650.3315),P3=(0.10990.48750.55660.4018). | (47) |
Numerical simulations confirm that
P(0)=(0.457461,0.360034,B(0),0.331513), |
P1=(0.00190.00040.26790.4802),P2=(0.00090.00040.43150.1). | (48) |
Theorem 4.3 implies that
In this work we explore the effect on the progression to TB disease due to the population growth of tuberculosis bacterium and the patient immune system control. For this end we formulated a non linear system of ordinary differential equations to describe in a simple way the interaction of Mtb with T cells and macrophages. The immune response to TB infection is a very complex phenomena that involve process of cellular differentiation and activation that have been described in several works [30,35], but due to the difficulties that involve modelling all of these process, we only considered the most important cells in the activation of the immune system against Mtb.
The model formulated in this work arises as a necessity to complement previous works given in [13,14,15]. Here we assume two forms of bacterial growth, the first one is the growth in the interior of the infected macrophages considered in previous works, and the second one is a logistic growth of external bacteria competing for the resources. Both assumptions are justified [17,26]
As it was expected, the complexity of the results increased with the assumption of logistic growth. The qualitative analysis of the model revealed different scenarios in which there is always the infection-free state, while depending on certain conditions there may be one, two or even three bacteria-present equilibria. An interesting fact is that for certain values of the parameters there are two kinds of bi-stability regions. In the first one the disease-free equilibrium and the bacteria-present equilibrium coexist, which means that depending on the initial conditions of the host and bacteria, the infection will be cleared out or will progress to TB, either in a latent or active form. In the second case the introduction of bacteria always will progress to infection, and depending on the initial conditions, the population will approach to a state with low or with high number of Mtb. The first state could be associated to latent TB, and the second one to active TB.
The above results were obtained in terms of the following parameters: ⅰ) number of bacteria generated by an external bacteria,
The qualitative analysis and numerical results suggest that for
On the other hand, sensitive analysis of the model parameters indicates why macrophagues are not enough to control an initial invasion by Mtb and the need of the immune system to carry out a more complex defensive mechanisms to contain infection by Mtb such as the recruitment of different elements of the immune system, and the formation of granulomas.
Concluding, in this work we proved that including competition between bacteria it is possible to obtain a greater variety of scenarios observed in the development of pulmonary tuberculosis.
We want to thank anonymous referees for their valuable comments that helped us to improve the paper. E. Ibarguen-Mondragón and E. M. Burbano-Rosero acknowledge support from project approved by ACUERDO No 182-01/11/2016 (VIPRI-UDENAR). Lourdes Esteva acknowledges support from project IN-112713, PAPIIT-UNAM.
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3. | Ying He, Bo Bi, Conditions for extinction and ergodicity of a stochastic Mycobacterium tuberculosis model with Markov switching, 2024, 9, 2473-6988, 30686, 10.3934/math.20241482 | |
4. | Eduardo Ibargüen-Mondragón, M. Victoria Otero-Espinar, Miller Cerón Gómez, A within-host model on the interaction dynamics between innate immune cells and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 2025, 22, 1551-0018, 511, 10.3934/mbe.2025019 |
Parameter | Description | Value | Reference |
growth rate of unfected Mtb | 600 -1000 day |
[19,23,30] | |
infection rate of Mtb | [13,30] | ||
elim. rate of infected Mtb by T cell | [13,30] | ||
nat. death rate of |
0028-0.0033 day |
[22,30] | |
nat. death rate of |
0.011 day |
[22,35,30] | |
growth rate of Mtb | 0.36 -0.52 day |
[12,20,38] | |
natural death rate of Mtb | 0.31 -0.52 day |
[39,30] | |
elim. rate of Mtb by |
[30] | ||
carrying cap. of Mtb in the gran. | [7] | ||
growth rate of T cells | [11] | ||
maximum recruitment of T cells | 5.000 day |
[11] | |
natural death rate of T cells | 0.33 day |
[35,30] | |
Average Mtb released by one |
0.05-0.2 day |
[30,35] |
Parameter | Description | Value | Reference |
growth rate of unfected Mtb | 600 -1000 day |
[19,23,30] | |
infection rate of Mtb | [13,30] | ||
elim. rate of infected Mtb by T cell | [13,30] | ||
nat. death rate of |
0028-0.0033 day |
[22,30] | |
nat. death rate of |
0.011 day |
[22,35,30] | |
growth rate of Mtb | 0.36 -0.52 day |
[12,20,38] | |
natural death rate of Mtb | 0.31 -0.52 day |
[39,30] | |
elim. rate of Mtb by |
[30] | ||
carrying cap. of Mtb in the gran. | [7] | ||
growth rate of T cells | [11] | ||
maximum recruitment of T cells | 5.000 day |
[11] | |
natural death rate of T cells | 0.33 day |
[35,30] | |
Average Mtb released by one |
0.05-0.2 day |
[30,35] |