Research article Special Issues

Symmetry, Hopf bifurcation, and offset boosting in a novel chameleon system

  • Received: 23 December 2024 Revised: 02 February 2025 Accepted: 17 February 2025 Published: 06 March 2025
  • MSC : 37D45, 37G35

  • Chameleon systems are dynamical systems that exhibit either self-excited or hidden oscillations depending on the parameter values. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of a quadratic chameleon system, including an analysis of its symmetry, dissipation, local stability, Hopf bifurcation, and various chaotic dynamics as the control parameters $ (\mu, a, c) $ vary. Here, $ \mu $ serves as the dissipation parameter in the $ y $ direction. Bifurcation analysis for four scenarios with $ \mu = 0 $ was performed, revealing the emergence of various dynamical phenomena under different parameter settings. Offset boosting means introducing a constant into one of the state variables of the system for boosting the variable to a different level. Additionally, hidden chaotic bistability with offset boosting was exhibited by varying $ \mu $. The parameter $ \mu $ serves as both the Hopf bifurcation parameter and the offset boosting parameter, while the other parameters $ (a, c) $ also play critical roles as control parameters, resulting in period-doubling routes to self-excited or hidden chaotic attractors. These findings enrich our understanding of nonlinear dynamics in quadratic chameleon systems.

    Citation: Jie Liu, Bo Sang, Lihua Fan, Chun Wang, Xueqing Liu, Ning Wang, Irfan Ahmad. Symmetry, Hopf bifurcation, and offset boosting in a novel chameleon system[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(3): 4915-4937. doi: 10.3934/math.2025225

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  • Chameleon systems are dynamical systems that exhibit either self-excited or hidden oscillations depending on the parameter values. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of a quadratic chameleon system, including an analysis of its symmetry, dissipation, local stability, Hopf bifurcation, and various chaotic dynamics as the control parameters $ (\mu, a, c) $ vary. Here, $ \mu $ serves as the dissipation parameter in the $ y $ direction. Bifurcation analysis for four scenarios with $ \mu = 0 $ was performed, revealing the emergence of various dynamical phenomena under different parameter settings. Offset boosting means introducing a constant into one of the state variables of the system for boosting the variable to a different level. Additionally, hidden chaotic bistability with offset boosting was exhibited by varying $ \mu $. The parameter $ \mu $ serves as both the Hopf bifurcation parameter and the offset boosting parameter, while the other parameters $ (a, c) $ also play critical roles as control parameters, resulting in period-doubling routes to self-excited or hidden chaotic attractors. These findings enrich our understanding of nonlinear dynamics in quadratic chameleon systems.


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