Research article Special Issues

Well-posedness and Ulam-Hyers stability results of solutions to pantograph fractional stochastic differential equations in the sense of conformable derivatives

  • Received: 25 January 2024 Revised: 11 March 2024 Accepted: 13 March 2024 Published: 29 March 2024
  • MSC : 34A07, 34A08, 60G22

  • One kind of stochastic delay differential equation in which the delay term is dependent on a proportion of the current time is the pantograph stochastic differential equation. Electric current collection, nonlinear dynamics, quantum mechanics, and electrodynamics are among the phenomena modeled using this equation. A key idea in physics and mathematics is the well-posedness of a differential equation, which guarantees that the solution to the problem exists and is a unique and meaningful solution that relies continuously on the initial condition and the value of the fractional derivative. Ulam-Hyers stability is a property of equations that states that if a function is approximately satisfying the equation, then there exists an exact solution that is close to the function. Inspired by these findings, in this research work, we established the Ulam-Hyers stability and well-posedness of solutions of pantograph fractional stochastic differential equations (PFSDEs) in the framework of conformable derivatives. In addition, we provided examples to analyze the theoretical results.

    Citation: Wedad Albalawi, Muhammad Imran Liaqat, Fahim Ud Din, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty. Well-posedness and Ulam-Hyers stability results of solutions to pantograph fractional stochastic differential equations in the sense of conformable derivatives[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 12375-12398. doi: 10.3934/math.2024605

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  • One kind of stochastic delay differential equation in which the delay term is dependent on a proportion of the current time is the pantograph stochastic differential equation. Electric current collection, nonlinear dynamics, quantum mechanics, and electrodynamics are among the phenomena modeled using this equation. A key idea in physics and mathematics is the well-posedness of a differential equation, which guarantees that the solution to the problem exists and is a unique and meaningful solution that relies continuously on the initial condition and the value of the fractional derivative. Ulam-Hyers stability is a property of equations that states that if a function is approximately satisfying the equation, then there exists an exact solution that is close to the function. Inspired by these findings, in this research work, we established the Ulam-Hyers stability and well-posedness of solutions of pantograph fractional stochastic differential equations (PFSDEs) in the framework of conformable derivatives. In addition, we provided examples to analyze the theoretical results.


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