Research article Special Issues

Queueing system with batch arrival of heterogeneous orders, flexible limited processor sharing and dynamical change of priorities

  • Received: 01 February 2024 Revised: 21 February 2024 Accepted: 05 March 2024 Published: 27 March 2024
  • MSC : 60K25, 60K30, 60M20

  • A queueing system with the discipline of flexible limited sharing of the server is considered. This discipline assumes the admission, for a simultaneous service, of only a finite number of orders, as well as the use of a reduced service rate when the bandwidth required by the admitted orders is less than the total bandwidth of the server. The orders arrive following a batch-marked Markov arrival process, which is a generalization of the well-known $ MAP $ (Markov arrival process) to the cases of heterogeneous orders and batch arrivals. The orders of different types have different preemptive priorities. The possibility of an increase or a decrease in order priority during the service is suggested to be an effective mechanism to prevent long processing orders from being pushed out of service by just-arrived higher-priority orders. Under a fixed priority scheme and a mechanism of dynamic change of the priorities, the stationary analysis of this queueing system is implemented by considering a suitable multidimensional continuous-time Markov chain with a generator that has an upper Hessenberg structure. The possibility of the optimal restriction on the number of simultaneously serviced orders is numerically demonstrated.

    Citation: Alexander Dudin, Sergey Dudin, Rosanna Manzo, Luigi Rarità. Queueing system with batch arrival of heterogeneous orders, flexible limited processor sharing and dynamical change of priorities[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 12144-12169. doi: 10.3934/math.2024593

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  • A queueing system with the discipline of flexible limited sharing of the server is considered. This discipline assumes the admission, for a simultaneous service, of only a finite number of orders, as well as the use of a reduced service rate when the bandwidth required by the admitted orders is less than the total bandwidth of the server. The orders arrive following a batch-marked Markov arrival process, which is a generalization of the well-known $ MAP $ (Markov arrival process) to the cases of heterogeneous orders and batch arrivals. The orders of different types have different preemptive priorities. The possibility of an increase or a decrease in order priority during the service is suggested to be an effective mechanism to prevent long processing orders from being pushed out of service by just-arrived higher-priority orders. Under a fixed priority scheme and a mechanism of dynamic change of the priorities, the stationary analysis of this queueing system is implemented by considering a suitable multidimensional continuous-time Markov chain with a generator that has an upper Hessenberg structure. The possibility of the optimal restriction on the number of simultaneously serviced orders is numerically demonstrated.


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