Research article Special Issues

On more general inequalities for weighted generalized proportional Hadamard fractional integral operator with applications

  • Received: 22 January 2021 Accepted: 10 June 2021 Published: 18 June 2021
  • MSC : Primary: 47H09, 47H10, 90C39, 45D05, 34A12; Secondary: 54H25

  • Fractional calculus has been the target of the work of many mathematicians for more than a century. Some of these investigations are of inequalities and fractional integral operators. In this article, a novel fractional operator which is known as weighted generalized proportional Hadamard fractional operator with unknown attribute weight is proposed. First, a fractional formulation is constructed, which covers a subjective list of operators. With the aid of the above mentioned operators, numerous notable versions of Pólya-Szegö, Chebyshev and certain related variants are established. Meanwhile, new outcomes are introduced and new theorems are exhibited. Taking into account the novel generalizations, our consequences have a potential association with the previous results. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applications of new operator with numerous integral inequalities by inducing assumptions on weight function $ \varpi $ and proportionality index $ \varphi. $ It is hoped that this research demonstrates that the suggested technique is efficient, computationally, very user-friendly and accurate.

    Citation: Shuang-Shuang Zhou, Saima Rashid, Erhan Set, Abdulaziz Garba Ahmad, Y. S. Hamed. On more general inequalities for weighted generalized proportional Hadamard fractional integral operator with applications[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(9): 9154-9176. doi: 10.3934/math.2021532

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  • Fractional calculus has been the target of the work of many mathematicians for more than a century. Some of these investigations are of inequalities and fractional integral operators. In this article, a novel fractional operator which is known as weighted generalized proportional Hadamard fractional operator with unknown attribute weight is proposed. First, a fractional formulation is constructed, which covers a subjective list of operators. With the aid of the above mentioned operators, numerous notable versions of Pólya-Szegö, Chebyshev and certain related variants are established. Meanwhile, new outcomes are introduced and new theorems are exhibited. Taking into account the novel generalizations, our consequences have a potential association with the previous results. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applications of new operator with numerous integral inequalities by inducing assumptions on weight function $ \varpi $ and proportionality index $ \varphi. $ It is hoped that this research demonstrates that the suggested technique is efficient, computationally, very user-friendly and accurate.


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