Research article

Synthesis of methyl esters from palm oil, candlenut oil, and sunflower seed oil and their corrosion phenomena on iron nail

  • Received: 01 July 2022 Revised: 21 August 2022 Accepted: 24 August 2022 Published: 14 September 2022
  • Biodiesel products show corrosive properties. Biodiesel contains components of saturated and unsaturated esters which tend to be unstable, sensitive to light, temperature, and metal ions. Thus, the study aims to synthesize biodiesel from various vegetable oils (palm oil, sunflower seed oil, and candlenut oil), and to analyze its corrosiveness to ferrous nails and characterization of biodiesel. The research stages were: synthesis of methyl ester and its characterization, and corrosion test. The results showed that the methyl ester characteristics of the samples meet requirements with SNI7182 : 2015. In GC-MS results, the largest components of methyl esters from candlenut oil and sunflower seed oil were 35.04% methyl oleate and 46.79% methyl oleate respectively, while in palm oil, the largest components were 41.60% methyl oleate and 41.16%. methyl palmitate. Corrosion test showed that the corrosion rate of ferrous nail in biodiesel at room temperature was lower than 70 ℃. Based on GC-MS and SEM results, biodiesel contained high unsaturated fatty acids and had a corrosion rate, i.e., at room temperature, the methyl ester of palm oil, candlenut oil, and sunflower seed oil were 0.006 mpy, 0.011 mpy, and 0.011 mpy respectively, while at 70 ℃, they were 0.011 mpy, 0.016 mpy, and 0.017 mpy, respectively. The results corresponded to SEM results at high temperature and significantly high content of unsaturated fatty acids. It was indicated by the formation of pits.

    Citation: Aman Santoso, Novita Agustin, Sumari Sumari, Siti Marfuah, Rini Retnosari, Ihsan Budi Rachman, Anugrah Ricky Wijaya, Muhammad Roy Asrori. Synthesis of methyl esters from palm oil, candlenut oil, and sunflower seed oil and their corrosion phenomena on iron nail[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2022, 9(5): 719-732. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2022044

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  • Biodiesel products show corrosive properties. Biodiesel contains components of saturated and unsaturated esters which tend to be unstable, sensitive to light, temperature, and metal ions. Thus, the study aims to synthesize biodiesel from various vegetable oils (palm oil, sunflower seed oil, and candlenut oil), and to analyze its corrosiveness to ferrous nails and characterization of biodiesel. The research stages were: synthesis of methyl ester and its characterization, and corrosion test. The results showed that the methyl ester characteristics of the samples meet requirements with SNI7182 : 2015. In GC-MS results, the largest components of methyl esters from candlenut oil and sunflower seed oil were 35.04% methyl oleate and 46.79% methyl oleate respectively, while in palm oil, the largest components were 41.60% methyl oleate and 41.16%. methyl palmitate. Corrosion test showed that the corrosion rate of ferrous nail in biodiesel at room temperature was lower than 70 ℃. Based on GC-MS and SEM results, biodiesel contained high unsaturated fatty acids and had a corrosion rate, i.e., at room temperature, the methyl ester of palm oil, candlenut oil, and sunflower seed oil were 0.006 mpy, 0.011 mpy, and 0.011 mpy respectively, while at 70 ℃, they were 0.011 mpy, 0.016 mpy, and 0.017 mpy, respectively. The results corresponded to SEM results at high temperature and significantly high content of unsaturated fatty acids. It was indicated by the formation of pits.


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