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Determination of the characteristics and mechanical properties for soft materials based on plasticine and filia wax with inoculants

  • Received: 16 February 2022 Revised: 11 March 2022 Accepted: 17 March 2022 Published: 28 March 2022
  • The article discusses the selected mechanical and plastic properties of modelling materials based on plasticine and filia wax utilized in the physical modelling. Application of the physical modelling with the utilize of soft model materials as well as plasticine and waxes with different inoculants, is a frequently used method applied as an alternative or verification of FE modelling of volumetric plastic working processes. First, in the ring test, the friction coefficients for the base model materials for various lubricants were determined. Then, in the compression test, the flow curves for model materials modified with various modifying substances (kaolin, lanolin, paraffin, chalk, etc.) were determined. The last step of the research studies was to verify the correctness of determining the flow curves using the inverse method. Based on the research carried out, a database was developed for soft model materials, covering the entire spectrum of flow curves and selected mechanical (friction coefficient, true and critical stress) and plastic properties (plastic deformation), which allows the selection of an appropriate mixture of model material to the real metallic material. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that both in the case of plasticine and filia wax, both of these materials together with modifiers very well simulate the behavior of warm and hot deformed metallic materials (with softening), much worse for materials with a clear hardening, characterizing cold work. In the case of filia wax, more stable properties were observed compared to plasticine-based materials.

    Citation: Marek Hawryluk, Jan Marzec, Tatiana Karczewska, Łukasz Dudkiewicz. Determination of the characteristics and mechanical properties for soft materials based on plasticine and filia wax with inoculants[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2022, 9(2): 325-343. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2022020

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  • The article discusses the selected mechanical and plastic properties of modelling materials based on plasticine and filia wax utilized in the physical modelling. Application of the physical modelling with the utilize of soft model materials as well as plasticine and waxes with different inoculants, is a frequently used method applied as an alternative or verification of FE modelling of volumetric plastic working processes. First, in the ring test, the friction coefficients for the base model materials for various lubricants were determined. Then, in the compression test, the flow curves for model materials modified with various modifying substances (kaolin, lanolin, paraffin, chalk, etc.) were determined. The last step of the research studies was to verify the correctness of determining the flow curves using the inverse method. Based on the research carried out, a database was developed for soft model materials, covering the entire spectrum of flow curves and selected mechanical (friction coefficient, true and critical stress) and plastic properties (plastic deformation), which allows the selection of an appropriate mixture of model material to the real metallic material. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that both in the case of plasticine and filia wax, both of these materials together with modifiers very well simulate the behavior of warm and hot deformed metallic materials (with softening), much worse for materials with a clear hardening, characterizing cold work. In the case of filia wax, more stable properties were observed compared to plasticine-based materials.


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