This contribution aims to connect to the reflection on the relationship between sustainability and urban spaces. From a theoretical point of view, cities have been represented as autopoietic spaces that fully embody the criticalities and dynamics of the Anthropocene and, as a consequence, that possess endogenous energies for regeneration. In this sense, Covid-19 broke into history and catalyzed the reflections and strategies of urban regeneration. Having clarified these aspects, the contribution, through analysis of official documents and the bibliography, intends to critically focus on the impact that the EU Next Generation Plan has on the dynamics of urban regeneration and sustainability and to address, as a case study, the transformative dynamics of the city of Amsterdam, already initiated before the pandemic.
Citation: Giovanni Messina, Enrico Nicosia. Cities and 'Postcovidcene', an open challenge[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2023, 9(3): 455-465. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023025
This contribution aims to connect to the reflection on the relationship between sustainability and urban spaces. From a theoretical point of view, cities have been represented as autopoietic spaces that fully embody the criticalities and dynamics of the Anthropocene and, as a consequence, that possess endogenous energies for regeneration. In this sense, Covid-19 broke into history and catalyzed the reflections and strategies of urban regeneration. Having clarified these aspects, the contribution, through analysis of official documents and the bibliography, intends to critically focus on the impact that the EU Next Generation Plan has on the dynamics of urban regeneration and sustainability and to address, as a case study, the transformative dynamics of the city of Amsterdam, already initiated before the pandemic.
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