Research article Special Issues

Jointly learning and training: using style diversification to improve domain generalization for deepfake detection

  • Received: 13 December 2023 Revised: 14 February 2024 Accepted: 22 February 2024 Published: 06 March 2024
  • Most existing deepfake detection methods often fail to maintain their performance when confronting new test domains. To address this issue, we propose a generalizable deepfake detection system to implement style diversification by alternately learning the domain generalization (DG)-based detector and the stylized fake face synthesizer (SFFS). For the DG-based detector, we first adopt instance normalization- and batch normalization-based structures to extract the local and global image statistics as the style and content features, which are then leveraged to obtain the more diverse feature space. Subsequently, contrastive learning is used to emphasize common style features while suppressing domain-specific ones, and adversarial learning is performed to obtain the domain-invariant features. These optimized features help the DG-based detector to learn generalized classification features and also encourage the SFFS to simulate possibly unseen domain data. In return, the samples generated by the SFFS would contribute to the detector's learning of more generalized features from augmented training data. Such a joint learning and training process enhances both the detector's and the synthesizer's feature representation capability for generalizable deepfake detection. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art competitors not only in intra-domain tests but particularly in cross-domain tests.

    Citation: Jicheng Li, Beibei Liu, Hao-Tian Wu, Yongjian Hu, Chang-Tsun Li. Jointly learning and training: using style diversification to improve domain generalization for deepfake detection[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(3): 1973-1997. doi: 10.3934/era.2024090

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  • Most existing deepfake detection methods often fail to maintain their performance when confronting new test domains. To address this issue, we propose a generalizable deepfake detection system to implement style diversification by alternately learning the domain generalization (DG)-based detector and the stylized fake face synthesizer (SFFS). For the DG-based detector, we first adopt instance normalization- and batch normalization-based structures to extract the local and global image statistics as the style and content features, which are then leveraged to obtain the more diverse feature space. Subsequently, contrastive learning is used to emphasize common style features while suppressing domain-specific ones, and adversarial learning is performed to obtain the domain-invariant features. These optimized features help the DG-based detector to learn generalized classification features and also encourage the SFFS to simulate possibly unseen domain data. In return, the samples generated by the SFFS would contribute to the detector's learning of more generalized features from augmented training data. Such a joint learning and training process enhances both the detector's and the synthesizer's feature representation capability for generalizable deepfake detection. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art competitors not only in intra-domain tests but particularly in cross-domain tests.


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