Research article Special Issues

Dynamic coordinated strategy for parking guidance in a mixed driving parking lot involving human-driven and autonomous vehicles

  • Received: 29 November 2023 Revised: 21 December 2023 Accepted: 26 December 2023 Published: 03 January 2024
  • The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) poses challenges to parking guidance in mixed driving scenarios involving human-driven vehicles (HVs) and AVs. This study introduced a dynamic and coordinated strategy (DCS) to optimize parking space allocation and path guidance within a mixed driving parking lot, aiming to enhance parking-cruising efficiency. DCS considers the distinctive characteristics of HVs and AVs and dynamically formulates parking guiding schemes based on real-time conditions. The strategy encompasses four main steps: Triggering scheme formulation, identifying preoccupied parking spaces, updating the parking lot traffic network and optimizing the vehicle-path-space matching scheme. A programming model was established to minimize the total remaining cruising time, and iterative optimization was conducted with vehicle loading test based on timing. To elevate computational efficiency, the concept of parking-cruising path tree (PCPT) and its updating method were introduced based on the dynamic shortest path tree algorithm. Comparative analysis of cases and simulations demonstrated the efficacy of DCS in mitigating parking-cruising duration of different types of vehicles and minimizing forced delays arising from lane blocking. Notably, the optimization effect is particularly significant for vehicles with extended cruising durations or in parking lots with low AV penetration rates and high saturation, with an achievable optimization rate reaching up to 18%. This study addressed challenges related to drivers' noncompliance with guidance and lane blocking, thereby improving overall operational efficiency in mixed driving parking lots.

    Citation: Zhiyuan Wang, Chu Zhang, Shaopei Xue, Yinjie Luo, Jun Chen, Wei Wang, Xingchen Yan. Dynamic coordinated strategy for parking guidance in a mixed driving parking lot involving human-driven and autonomous vehicles[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(1): 523-550. doi: 10.3934/era.2024026

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  • The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) poses challenges to parking guidance in mixed driving scenarios involving human-driven vehicles (HVs) and AVs. This study introduced a dynamic and coordinated strategy (DCS) to optimize parking space allocation and path guidance within a mixed driving parking lot, aiming to enhance parking-cruising efficiency. DCS considers the distinctive characteristics of HVs and AVs and dynamically formulates parking guiding schemes based on real-time conditions. The strategy encompasses four main steps: Triggering scheme formulation, identifying preoccupied parking spaces, updating the parking lot traffic network and optimizing the vehicle-path-space matching scheme. A programming model was established to minimize the total remaining cruising time, and iterative optimization was conducted with vehicle loading test based on timing. To elevate computational efficiency, the concept of parking-cruising path tree (PCPT) and its updating method were introduced based on the dynamic shortest path tree algorithm. Comparative analysis of cases and simulations demonstrated the efficacy of DCS in mitigating parking-cruising duration of different types of vehicles and minimizing forced delays arising from lane blocking. Notably, the optimization effect is particularly significant for vehicles with extended cruising durations or in parking lots with low AV penetration rates and high saturation, with an achievable optimization rate reaching up to 18%. This study addressed challenges related to drivers' noncompliance with guidance and lane blocking, thereby improving overall operational efficiency in mixed driving parking lots.


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