Monobulb garlic, distinguished by its elevated content, has garnered heightened consumer interest due to its perceived health benefits. However, the challenge lies in scaling up production to meet this demand. This study investigates the potential enhancement of monobulb garlic growth by employing a novel approach that combines corona glow discharge plasma radiation technology and organic fertilizers. By employing a factorial complete randomized design with nine treatments and three repetitions, the research evaluates the impact of varying durations of plasma radiation (0, 15, and 30 minutes) and levels of organic fertilizers (0, 31.25, and 62.5 grams). Key growth parameters, including plant height, leaf count, root length, and root quantity, were measured. Results indicate that the optimal combination for growth enhancement involves 30 minutes of radiation coupled with 31.25 grams of organic fertilization. In conclusion, the integration of corona glow discharge plasma radiation technology and organic fertilization proves effective in promoting the growth of monobulb garlic plants.
Citation: Erma Prihastanti, Sumariyah Sumariyah, Febiasasti Trias Nugraheni. Increasing growth of monobulb garlic through the application of corona glow discharge plasma radiation and organic fertilizers[J]. AIMS Biophysics, 2024, 11(1): 85-96. doi: 10.3934/biophy.2024006
Monobulb garlic, distinguished by its elevated content, has garnered heightened consumer interest due to its perceived health benefits. However, the challenge lies in scaling up production to meet this demand. This study investigates the potential enhancement of monobulb garlic growth by employing a novel approach that combines corona glow discharge plasma radiation technology and organic fertilizers. By employing a factorial complete randomized design with nine treatments and three repetitions, the research evaluates the impact of varying durations of plasma radiation (0, 15, and 30 minutes) and levels of organic fertilizers (0, 31.25, and 62.5 grams). Key growth parameters, including plant height, leaf count, root length, and root quantity, were measured. Results indicate that the optimal combination for growth enhancement involves 30 minutes of radiation coupled with 31.25 grams of organic fertilization. In conclusion, the integration of corona glow discharge plasma radiation technology and organic fertilization proves effective in promoting the growth of monobulb garlic plants.
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