Research article

Breadmaking and protein characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes tolerant against drought and heat in Algeria

  • Received: 30 November 2023 Revised: 16 April 2024 Accepted: 30 April 2024 Published: 16 May 2024
  • The primary staple of the Algerian population is wheat, and due to climate change, it is necessary to look for wheat genotypes with a high yield, drought and heat tolerance, and disease resistance, in addition to high quality for bread-making and other foodstuffs. Our objective of this study was to investigate 17 genotypes of Triticum aestivum L., including 10 traditionally cultivated, 2 recently introduced, and 5 currently in development, with the goal of identifying those exhibiting high-quality attributes for breadmaking and superior technological properties, while maintaining low levels of immunoreactive gluten. We conducted analyses on chemical composition, immunoreactive gluten content, as well as the secondary structure of proteins and the conformation of starch in flours obtained from different wheat bread genotypes grown in similar watering and other conditions. Additionally, the rheological characteristics of the dough were measured using an alveograph and rheoviscosimeter. We also explored the physical properties and technological attributes relevant to the bread-making process. The major results indicated low heterogeneity among genotypes concerning immunoreactivity. The characteristics of 17 Triticum aestivum L. genotypes form four groups included: Group A: Traditional, recently, or not yet cultivated in Algeria, with the highest β-sheet, W values, and protein contents; B: Highest protein content, lowest β-sheet, and medium W and P/L values. C: Four of the traditional, recently, or not yet cultivated genotypes with the highest bread specific volume, low protein, and W and P/L values. Group D: Traditional genotypes, with the lowest specific volume of bread and a low protein content. Some of the traditional cultivated wheat genotypes in Algeria could be changed, although almost all the drought and disease resistant genotypes could be used for bread-making, which was excellent news because of global warming.

    Citation: Hamida Mahroug, Adra Mouellef, Hayat Bourekoua, Fairouz Djeghim, Haroun Chenchouni, Abdelkader Benbelkacem, Mohamed Hadef El Okki, Awatif Fetouhi, Nedjla Silini, Ana María Calderón de la Barca. Breadmaking and protein characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes tolerant against drought and heat in Algeria[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2024, 9(2): 531-550. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2024030

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  • The primary staple of the Algerian population is wheat, and due to climate change, it is necessary to look for wheat genotypes with a high yield, drought and heat tolerance, and disease resistance, in addition to high quality for bread-making and other foodstuffs. Our objective of this study was to investigate 17 genotypes of Triticum aestivum L., including 10 traditionally cultivated, 2 recently introduced, and 5 currently in development, with the goal of identifying those exhibiting high-quality attributes for breadmaking and superior technological properties, while maintaining low levels of immunoreactive gluten. We conducted analyses on chemical composition, immunoreactive gluten content, as well as the secondary structure of proteins and the conformation of starch in flours obtained from different wheat bread genotypes grown in similar watering and other conditions. Additionally, the rheological characteristics of the dough were measured using an alveograph and rheoviscosimeter. We also explored the physical properties and technological attributes relevant to the bread-making process. The major results indicated low heterogeneity among genotypes concerning immunoreactivity. The characteristics of 17 Triticum aestivum L. genotypes form four groups included: Group A: Traditional, recently, or not yet cultivated in Algeria, with the highest β-sheet, W values, and protein contents; B: Highest protein content, lowest β-sheet, and medium W and P/L values. C: Four of the traditional, recently, or not yet cultivated genotypes with the highest bread specific volume, low protein, and W and P/L values. Group D: Traditional genotypes, with the lowest specific volume of bread and a low protein content. Some of the traditional cultivated wheat genotypes in Algeria could be changed, although almost all the drought and disease resistant genotypes could be used for bread-making, which was excellent news because of global warming.


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