Research article

Consumers’ willingness to pay for packaged chicken eggs in Lagos State, Nigeria

  • Received: 13 November 2019 Accepted: 03 March 2020 Published: 26 April 2020
  • Chicken egg packaging and labeling are considered attributes of enhancement of the product and a lot of effort is put into adding value for certain attributes that attract consumers and assure their satisfaction. Hence, consumer’s willingness to pay for packaged chicken eggs in Lagos state, Nigeria was investigated. A multistage sampling was employed for the study to obtain relevant information from consumers of packaged chicken egg. Three divisions were purposively selected because of the popularity of packaged chicken eggs in their stores. In the second stage of sampling, a local government area (LGA) was selected from each division. In the last stage, 50 consumers of chicken egg were randomly selected from each LGA. Contingent valuation method was used to elicit information from selected 134 egg consumers which were used for analysis. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and probit regression model. Mean age and monthly income of egg consumers were 38.51 ±11.75 years and ₦96,179.10 respectively. Household size was 4 members. The mean willingness to pay (WTP) for packaged eggs were ₦968, the premium accounts for 7% in the WTP estimate. The WTP for packaged eggs decreased as the consumers’ grew older (p < 0.1). Being male increased the WTP by 13.4% and respondent being married increased WTP by 15.8%. Additional naira to consumers’ income increased WTP by 0.8% while respondents that patronized supermarkets WTP increased by 15.8%. The study recommends a multiple streams of income and a closer retail stores for better accessibility for packaged chicken egg consumers.

    Citation: Olubunmi Lawrence Balogun, Martha Dupe Olumide, Opemipo Oloruntosin Gbaiye, Taofeek Ayodeji Ayo-Bello, Oladele Timothy Akinwole, Kayode Ayantoye. Consumers’ willingness to pay for packaged chicken eggs in Lagos State, Nigeria[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2020, 5(2): 204-217. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.2.204

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  • Chicken egg packaging and labeling are considered attributes of enhancement of the product and a lot of effort is put into adding value for certain attributes that attract consumers and assure their satisfaction. Hence, consumer’s willingness to pay for packaged chicken eggs in Lagos state, Nigeria was investigated. A multistage sampling was employed for the study to obtain relevant information from consumers of packaged chicken egg. Three divisions were purposively selected because of the popularity of packaged chicken eggs in their stores. In the second stage of sampling, a local government area (LGA) was selected from each division. In the last stage, 50 consumers of chicken egg were randomly selected from each LGA. Contingent valuation method was used to elicit information from selected 134 egg consumers which were used for analysis. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and probit regression model. Mean age and monthly income of egg consumers were 38.51 ±11.75 years and ₦96,179.10 respectively. Household size was 4 members. The mean willingness to pay (WTP) for packaged eggs were ₦968, the premium accounts for 7% in the WTP estimate. The WTP for packaged eggs decreased as the consumers’ grew older (p < 0.1). Being male increased the WTP by 13.4% and respondent being married increased WTP by 15.8%. Additional naira to consumers’ income increased WTP by 0.8% while respondents that patronized supermarkets WTP increased by 15.8%. The study recommends a multiple streams of income and a closer retail stores for better accessibility for packaged chicken egg consumers.


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