Special Issue: Application of Nanomaterials

Guest Editor

Prof. Fawad Inam
University of East London, London, United Kingdom
Email: f.inam@uel.ac.uk

Manuscript Topics

A significant rise in the number of innovative applications and devices related to advanced nano-influenced materials and composites is currently being experienced. Over the past two decades and so, a lot of impactful research for their utilization in an increasing number of applications like petrochemical, energy, biomedical, automotive, aerospace, defence, sporting goods and infrastructure development, is published or patented. Materials and products based on nanomaterials are being intensively explored as they impart unique combinations of superlative chemical, physical, transport and mechanical properties. Such materials have already proven their extraordinary characteristics both for structural, as well as functional and smart applications. This special open access issue will focus on the preparation, development and application of materials influenced by “nano”. The open access issue intends to cover the radical step-change in the capabilities and application of nanomaterials and nanocomposites (including micro/nano hybrids), brought about by advances in fullerenes, other hybridization/ composite and/ or processing technologies. Original articles and reviews are welcome. However, research articles, which include practical experimental results and critical theory, are particularly encouraged, as are papers, which set nanomaterials and nanocomposites in the wider context of, for example, society, economics, energy and environment.

Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 December 2021

Published Papers({{count}})

Special Issue Topical Section Recurring Topics Special Issue
{{article.year}}, Volume {{article.volume}}, Issue {{article.issue}}: {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}
{{article.articleStateNameEn}}Available online{{article.preferredDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} doi: {{article.doi}}
Abstract Abstract HTML HTML PDF Cited ({{article.citedByCount}}) Viewed ({{article.visitArticleCount}})