Formal asymptotic expansions for symmetric ancient ovals
in mean curvature flow
01 March 2012
01 October 2012
Primary: 53C44, 35K59; Secondary: 35C20.
We provide formal matched asymptotic expansions for ancient convex
solutions to MCF. The formal analysis leading to the solutions is
analogous to that for the generic MCF neck pinch in
For any $p, q$ with $p+q=n$, $p\geq1$, $q\geq2$ we find a formal ancient
solution which is a small perturbation of an ellipsoid. For
$t\to-\infty$ the solution becomes increasingly astigmatic: $q$ of its
major axes have length $\approx\sqrt{2(q-1)(-t)}$, while the other $p$ axes
have length $\approx \sqrt{-2t\log(-t)}$.
We conjecture that an analysis similar to that in [2] will
lead to a rigorous construction of ancient solutions to MCF with the
asymptotics described in this paper.
Citation: Sigurd Angenent. Formal asymptotic expansions for symmetric ancient ovalsin mean curvature flow[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2013, 8(1): 1-8. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2013.8.1
We provide formal matched asymptotic expansions for ancient convex
solutions to MCF. The formal analysis leading to the solutions is
analogous to that for the generic MCF neck pinch in
For any $p, q$ with $p+q=n$, $p\geq1$, $q\geq2$ we find a formal ancient
solution which is a small perturbation of an ellipsoid. For
$t\to-\infty$ the solution becomes increasingly astigmatic: $q$ of its
major axes have length $\approx\sqrt{2(q-1)(-t)}$, while the other $p$ axes
have length $\approx \sqrt{-2t\log(-t)}$.
We conjecture that an analysis similar to that in [2] will
lead to a rigorous construction of ancient solutions to MCF with the
asymptotics described in this paper.
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