Professor Hiroshi Matano was born in Kyoto, Japan, on July 28th, 1952.
He studied at Kyoto University, where he prepared his doctoral thesis
under the supervision of Professor Masaya Yamaguti. He obtained his first
academic position as a research associate at the University of Tokyo. He
then moved to Hiroshima University in 1982 and came back to Tokyo in 1988.
He is a Professor at the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences at the
University of Tokyo since 1991.
For more information please click the “Full Text” above.
Citation: Henri Berestycki, Danielle Hilhorst, Frank Merle, Masayasu Mimura, Khashayar Pakdaman. Preface[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2013, 8(1): i-iii. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2013.8.1i
Professor Hiroshi Matano was born in Kyoto, Japan, on July 28th, 1952.
He studied at Kyoto University, where he prepared his doctoral thesis
under the supervision of Professor Masaya Yamaguti. He obtained his first
academic position as a research associate at the University of Tokyo. He
then moved to Hiroshima University in 1982 and came back to Tokyo in 1988.
He is a Professor at the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences at the
University of Tokyo since 1991.
For more information please click the “Full Text” above.