Research article

Uptake and reduction of Se(IV) in two heterotrophic aerobic Pseudomonads strains isolated from boreal bog environment

  • Received: 16 August 2017 Accepted: 28 September 2017 Published: 10 October 2017
  • Selenite (Se(IV), SeO32−) uptake and the effect of selenite supplement on protein synthesis was investigated in two Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated from a boreal bog. These aerobic bacteria efficiently reduced Se(IV) with intracellular reduced Se0 observed in the cytoplasm under dark aerobic conditions. The proteome analysis of Se(IV) supplement and temperature responses by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis showed variations in the protein expression on the 40–60 kDa regions following these stress factors, probably through enzymes associated to oxidative stress or temperature adaptation. NO3/NO2/SO42− addition enhanced Se(IV) uptake in both bacteria, but Se(IV) uptake sustained also under sulphur and nitrogen starvation. Our findings suggest two different transport mechanisms for Se(IV) uptake in these Pseudomonas sp. strains; a low affinity transport system up-regulated by NO3/NO2/SO42− and a distinct Se(IV)O32− regulated transport system. Following transport, Se(IV) is reduced in the cytoplasm, forming Se0 granules, visible in TEM and verified using EDX.

    Citation: Merja Lusa, Jenna Knuutinen, Malin Bomberg. Uptake and reduction of Se(IV) in two heterotrophic aerobic Pseudomonads strains isolated from boreal bog environment[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2017, 3(4): 798-814. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2017.4.798

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