Dynamic recommendation systems aim to achieve real-time updates and dynamic migration of user interests, primarily utilizing user-item interaction sequences with timestamps to capture the dynamic changes in user interests and item attributes. Recent research has mainly centered on two aspects. First, it involves modeling the dynamic interaction relationships between users and items using dynamic graphs. Second, it focuses on mining their long-term and short-term interaction patterns. This is achieved through the joint learning of static and dynamic embeddings for both users and items. Although most existing methods have achieved some success in modeling the historical interaction sequences between users and items, there is still room for improvement, particularly in terms of modeling the long-term dependency structures of dynamic interaction histories and extracting the most relevant delayed interaction patterns. To address this issue, we proposed a Dynamic Context-Aware Recommendation System for dynamic recommendation. Specifically, our model is built on a dynamic graph and utilizes the static embeddings of recent user-item interactions as dynamic context. Additionally, we constructed a Gated Multi-Layer Perceptron encoder to capture the long-term dependency structure in the dynamic interaction history and extract high-level features. Then, we introduced an Attention Pooling network to learn similarity scores between high-level features in the user-item dynamic interaction history. By calculating bidirectional attention weights, we extracted the most relevant delayed interaction patterns from the historical sequence to predict the dynamic embeddings of users and items. Additionally, we proposed a loss function called the Pairwise Cosine Similarity loss for dynamic recommendation to jointly optimize the static and dynamic embeddings of two types of nodes. Finally, extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, LastFM, and the Global Terrorism Database showed that our model achieves consistent improvements over state-of-the-art baselines.
Citation: Zhiwen Hou, Fanliang Bu, Yuchen Zhou, Lingbin Bu, Qiming Ma, Yifan Wang, Hanming Zhai, Zhuxuan Han. DyCARS: A dynamic context-aware recommendation system[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(3): 3563-3593. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024157
Dynamic recommendation systems aim to achieve real-time updates and dynamic migration of user interests, primarily utilizing user-item interaction sequences with timestamps to capture the dynamic changes in user interests and item attributes. Recent research has mainly centered on two aspects. First, it involves modeling the dynamic interaction relationships between users and items using dynamic graphs. Second, it focuses on mining their long-term and short-term interaction patterns. This is achieved through the joint learning of static and dynamic embeddings for both users and items. Although most existing methods have achieved some success in modeling the historical interaction sequences between users and items, there is still room for improvement, particularly in terms of modeling the long-term dependency structures of dynamic interaction histories and extracting the most relevant delayed interaction patterns. To address this issue, we proposed a Dynamic Context-Aware Recommendation System for dynamic recommendation. Specifically, our model is built on a dynamic graph and utilizes the static embeddings of recent user-item interactions as dynamic context. Additionally, we constructed a Gated Multi-Layer Perceptron encoder to capture the long-term dependency structure in the dynamic interaction history and extract high-level features. Then, we introduced an Attention Pooling network to learn similarity scores between high-level features in the user-item dynamic interaction history. By calculating bidirectional attention weights, we extracted the most relevant delayed interaction patterns from the historical sequence to predict the dynamic embeddings of users and items. Additionally, we proposed a loss function called the Pairwise Cosine Similarity loss for dynamic recommendation to jointly optimize the static and dynamic embeddings of two types of nodes. Finally, extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, LastFM, and the Global Terrorism Database showed that our model achieves consistent improvements over state-of-the-art baselines.
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