Research article

Coexistence in a competition-diffusion-advection system with equal amount of total resources

  • Received: 14 January 2021 Accepted: 18 April 2021 Published: 23 April 2021
  • We consider a Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion-advection system with the total resources for two competitors fixed at the same level. We reveal the combined effect of competition abilities and spatial variations on the coexistence of two competing species. It is obtained that when the ratio of advection rate $ \alpha $ to diffusion rate $ d_1 $ is appropriately large, the two competing species will always coexist if the inter-specific competition coefficients $ (b, c) $ in $ (0, 1]\times(0, 1] $ and when the ratio is appropriately small, the two species will coexist if the inter-specific competition coefficients $ c $ is appropriately small and $ b $ is in $ (0, 1] $.

    Citation: Jinyu Wei, Bin Liu. Coexistence in a competition-diffusion-advection system with equal amount of total resources[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(4): 3543-3558. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021178

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  • We consider a Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion-advection system with the total resources for two competitors fixed at the same level. We reveal the combined effect of competition abilities and spatial variations on the coexistence of two competing species. It is obtained that when the ratio of advection rate $ \alpha $ to diffusion rate $ d_1 $ is appropriately large, the two competing species will always coexist if the inter-specific competition coefficients $ (b, c) $ in $ (0, 1]\times(0, 1] $ and when the ratio is appropriately small, the two species will coexist if the inter-specific competition coefficients $ c $ is appropriately small and $ b $ is in $ (0, 1] $.


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